It's all downhill from here!
After interviews held during the council session Bruce Hopkins was approved 5-0 as the next Ruston Mayor after a motion by Wayne Stebner and seconded by Dan Albertson. Interviews were scheduled originally for 6pm Special council meeting but only Kim Wheeler showed up at 6pm. That should tell you this was all prearranged as three cabal applicants withdrew and Mr. Hopkins showed up for 7pm regular council meeting. These are my notes that follow, for complete recording of what went on tapes are for sale at Town Hall for five dollars.
The vote was followed by loud clapping, cheering and even whistling by the cabal members in the audience none of who showed up at 6pm for the scheduled interviews. Excuse me one did show up and conversed extensively with Dan Albertson after he abruptly call for adjournment of the 6pm Special Session. This is the second mayor Dan has had dyspepsia with.Ten to one this was another open and notorious violation of the OPEN MEETINGS ACT? Then the council all mouthed their platitudes how wonderful, wonderful this selection was and how his presence would bring a calming atmosphere to the town. Yah, as the ship goes under in a swirl of lawsuits. Let's face it this was our last chance to save the Town of Ruston. The Ruston Mayor, Town Attorney, one council person now operating in sync with Dan Albertson.
INTERVIEWS ORAL - Questions, prepared answers attached
Five candidates, two withdrew before meeting one withdrew at meeting leading BRUCE HOPKINS and KIM WHEELER. Both presented very well written responses prior to meeting.
Kim Wheeler had a very exact knowledge of his response while Bruce Hopkins oral answers appeared to be superficial emphasizing grants, aid, free money.
Shortened questions -
1- interest in serving, qualifications make you the best choice for Mayor.
2- outline your agenda for next year, how would you address issues and potential solutions.
3- Ruston has significant infrastructure issues. How would you address and finance public infrastructure investments?
4- What is your plan to make certain Ruston remains a viable and financially stable community?
5- Given the volatile nature of Ruston politics how do you plan to interface with Town council, citizens making sure everyone is contributing to a solution?
6- Given the Marcotte report what is your strategy to keeping the town solvent until 2014? What if 2014 timeline delayed?
HOPKINS- summarized answers to oral questions-
1- great community, lived here 16 years (Unicorn 80 years, formerly Brick Tavern), honored, speaks highly of Michael Transue
2- need grants, aid
3- funding possibilities
4- all sources of funding
5- open and honest communications, relationship with current council members, Ruston has bad name and "you had better live here"
6- bottom falls out of housing, need to restate options, revenue may not grow, negative, something dramatic happens, alternative revenue sources
WHEELER- summarized answers to oral questions
1- former elected mayor, served four year term
2- get us back together again (community), grants require money research, infrastructure problems date back to 2000, old part of town needs upgrade, get public involved in decisions
3- town lighting is broken, jerry-rigged, use electric utility fund
4- problems since 2000 when Asarco closed, better shape now, can last to projected date 2014, town is in good shape no debt, maintain current living environment
5- need public forums, committed to work with council, faced harsh criticism before, put yesterday behind us, past behind us
6- financial challenges require reevaluation, we have no debt, can manage with money we have, managed before without grants no help, town used to have one police officer working 7pm till 3am (Kim Wheeler later appointed chief of police), five part time no training, fire department upgrade paid off, need team of people
Jim Wingard - Wheeler most qualified, (to Hopkins) will you continue previous attacks on UNICORN SPORTS BAR? Answer ambiguous: noise.
Mary Joyce - vote for Hopkins
Don Torbet - found Wheeler to be extremely honest, honorable, trust with my life, baggage yes but lots of experience, can take over tomorrow
Beth Torbet - Kim Wheeler got a lot done for the town, Winnifred street bridge, The Commencement, lights on 51st street
Edie Talman - Kim voted of office out by a large margin
didn't get name - Hopkins speaks for neighbors, calm presence
Wayne Stebner - makes motion to approve Bruce Hopkins as mayor, seconded
Jane Hunt - I will vote for Bruce, he is a calm person
Jim Hedrick - Bruce Hopkins is a transformational figure, appreciate Kim Wheeler, legitimate and sincere for Town of Ruston, With Bruce I can have a beer and sit down and watch Gonzaga basketball game
Dan Albertson - Thanks Brian Ficala and Wayne Stebner who withdrew as excellent candidates, Bruce Hopkins is an excellent choice, Kim Wheeler had excellent answers, correct on street lights, we can use his information provided (no mention of Bradley Huson who also withdrew and served as interim Mayor for three months)
TIME TO VOTE- 5-0 for HOPKINS followed by loud clapping, cheering, whistling.
Celebration time!!!! For what? Albertson who recently mentioned "Jobs for Justice" as an ally in going after Point Ruston, for lack of oversight by town, now has a direct line into the development decisions. Smell a one hundred million dollar lawsuit in the wings?
Grants, Aid???? Forget them, let's add up the dollars.
$90,000 lost on so called "Ballet Lawsuit" with the Commencement (Wayne)
$70,000 grant refused to upgrade MDP Master Development Plan for Asarco site
$30,000 more or less taxable income LOST from Point Defiance Casino as a result of exorbitant gambling tax increase, plus lost B&O tax, and due to refusal of Town Attorney to stipulate yes to a 3-1 council vote imposing tax (Who was he representing? I see nothing favorable in this for the Town of Ruston!)
$9,000,000 plus lawsuit Point Defiance Casino vs. Town of Ruston due to closure of gambling business and loss of up to 35 jobs
$3,000 dollars overtime pay to fill in for full time police officers assigned to midnight shift at UNICORN BAR AND GRILL
Add to this an unstable government unable to unite behind the POINT RUSTON development and it all spells trouble. Would you give a grant or aid to a Town that can squander money at this rate.
A new Mayor who has a history of attacking a local business he dislikes and was previously invited Agenda Item number one to play a video at a town council meeting with the sound amplified showing the closed door of the Unicorn making the Ruston Police in the video look very uninvolved. Bruce Hopkins made a fool out of himself pulling such a connived stunt although he couldn't have done it without inside help. Another lawsuit pending, the Town's defense here will take some imagination. His greatest claim to fame and Mayoral experience appearing at council meetings many times complaining about noise outside the Unicorn and his video which a copy of was never provided to the Town. Guess who is in charge of hiring, firing in the Police Department? Another Chief lawsuit in the wings, refusal to obey unlawful order?
The Dan and Wayne show for shadowing town bankruptcy, merging into the City of Tacoma. Forget it! Tacoma does not want nor will annex this town and its horrendous problems. You can bank on it. They will wait until it is mismanaged into oblivion and then annex Point Ruston leaving the rest of the town slowly sinking into the Bay, via sewer collapse.
The public comment about Mayor Wheeler "being voted out of office by a wide margin" stirred up a lot of brain cells. Mayor Wheeler not only did great things for this town, HE SAVED THIS TOWN and provided millions in funds in interest bearing savings account to tide the town over until 2014 when Point Ruston is projected to kick in.
His thanks, no thanks, hello and welcome CABAL. Mayor Wheeler on qualifications for the Mayoral position was a ten and Bruce Hopkins zero on experience a one on being calm. This man deserved the ovation not a kick in the teeth. Ruston what have you done to this once proud and viable neighborhood community once filled with vibrancy and good will? You have wrought malcontents and evil intentioned people in to sow divisiveness and discord, secret government, citizens silenced.
Why am I doing this? Believe me it takes l lot of time and effort but I see no light at the end of the soon to be filled tunnel. I will try and come up with an answer. Will attach written answers to questions separately.
next: Scrooge Town.

Filed additional PRR to get Bruce Hopkins signature page and the Tacoma address he used. Mysteriously left out of original.
you shouldn't have to refile if you asked for the entire document, sounds like another PRR violation!
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