Friday, January 23, 2009


Ruston Town Council meeting January 20, 2009 at 7pm:

Sorry for being late. It takes time to hash these meetings and and come up with the true meanings, disguised intended consequences. The Tacoma duo, Dan and Wayne, are relentless in voting against agenda items that are pro Point Ruston and their attacks against council (cabal) members who stray from their destructive course. But they wisely refrain from attacking the single elected as Ruston person on the council.

Thus their unrelenting attacks and undermining of the COMMENCEMENT and POINT RUSTON and the RUSTON VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT. Even their former cabal pals whose votes stray from the duo line come under snide attacks more belittling to those who make them than the intended targets.

Wayne, Lil Wayne, three years as a flunky first to Bob and now to Dan. Wayne who manages to always be in the right place to report on activities of his supposed enemies. Who looked out his window and observed an empty driveway and proposed in a council meeting to strip the emergency fireman's residence out of the budget. Wayne who happened to be parked observing the Commencement workers departing and "speeding on Shirley street". How he managed to time them on the one block to the stop sign at 51st street was not disclosed. Wayne it's the Commencement you don't like. What do you have against working men and women?

The same Wayne who can say second in a split second to any motion ever made by Bob or Dan, of course, the matter was never discussed outside of public meeting. The same Wayne who routinely ABSTAINed to paying the town's bills and once not showing up to vote on the bills in an emergency session nearly causing the town to shut down and all the town employees to be laid off. The outcry on that one made sure they never tried it again. Wayne who in the middle of discussions on the $700,000 town budget wanted a study session to remove $261 dollars from the VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT budget. Don't ever run against Wayne in an election!

The duo of the moment routinely vote against or try to stall all progress on STACK HILL, THE COMMENCEMENT, POINT RUSTON and anything else that is beneficial to the town and would aid in it's survival. Their droning is so patently predictable we could get by with cardboard cutouts and play the recording from the previous meetings. The code words are used every meeting: appropriate, review, study session, fair to the people of the town, fair market value, return on value, fiduciary duty, reasonable rent, on and on on everything they are against.

If they are for something I guarantee it will provide benefit to the duo and the cabal. Such as paving an alley, sewers, street lights; etc., their vocabulary is limited to one word: GRANTS.
If that doesn't pass muster their is always dipping into the Commencement fund, at one time $4.2 million dollars. Down probably a million plus in just the last year. Where did it go?

.Running a $500,000 deficit, no new or increased taxes on citizens allowed.
. Losing $150,000 gambling tax five years (see SCROOGE TOWN Ruston Insider Dec. 7, 2008). . Losing $100,000 not imposing utility taxes on residents. (BALANCING ACT TWO Ruston Insider Dec. 3, 2008).
. Losing $90,000 on a ill advised lawsuit vs. the Commencement to kick them out of their sales room on which they had a 500 year lease so ballet classes could be held there.
. Losing $125,000 town's half of chief Reinhold lawsuit settlement.
. Spending $350,000 (will be $420,000 with budget amendment to follow) on Salaries and 1,500 hours overtime for the Police department which used to get by with one employee now probable could get by with two in this time of budget crisis..
. An unknown amount in hourly legal fees to the Special Legal Counsel/Town Attorney (take your pick).

TOTAL in 2008: $1,385,000 this year (remember the deficit is $500,000)

Still in the offing $950,000 lawsuit with the POINT DEFIANCE CAFE AND CASINO whose legal gambling business was taxed out of existence because they didn't like their sign. A settlement offer so far neglected but they will cave like the POLICE CHIEF lawsuit because their illegal actions and corruption will be exposed at trial. Remember they will be on the witness stand under oath against an attorney undefeated vs. Ruston and the cabal.

Why are all the additional police officers stationed in the parking lots of local business not favored by the cabal, checking license numbers? Is this what they were hired for? One business owner who had the temerity to question why Ruston was doing this when Tacoma did not was told to go inside for his own safety.

The only logic I can apply to this is the cabal antics are intended to bankrupt the town. Why else would the applaud POINT RUSTON as the town saviour and then obstruct or vote against it at every opportunity? Why else harass legitimate businesses whose taxes support the town?

Leasing space in the school to Point Ruston was the main agenda item with a big to do over how much they should charge. A public comment pointed out to them that such an important project should command a lease of one dollar per year as the potential benefit to the town greatly outweighs the meager lease payment they can come up with. The other agenda item engineering services for Wayne's sewer project.

More on PRR lawsuits to follow next blog but a council comment: "Our long (national ) nightmare is over". For RUSTON our four year nightmare has ten months to go unless a group of town's people will go with me to visit the PIERCE COUNTY PROSECUTOR and present a case for an investigation into the activities going on here and the misuse of the Commencement trust fund for private lawsuits.
  • Town of Ruston officials:
  • Mayor, Bruce Hopkins
  • Council, Bradley Huson, Jim Hedrick, Wayne Stebner, Dan Albertson, Jane Hunt
  • Attorney, David Britton
  • Planner, Rob White

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