Remember when the smelter closed in 1985 and things were pretty bleak in Ruston. There was little money for anything and the Town survived with one peace officer Chief Kim Wheeler. But the town was at peace and determined to make it through the tough times. The town prevailed but had to make unpopular decisions which allowed a small cabal of power trippers to take control for three years systematically doing everything in their power to destroy the town. Although they are down to two hard core annexation or bankruptcy council persons they have not lost any of their ardor. I wonder who the real goblins are entrenched in their past lives?
It is time to write down what we know before the entire history of the town is forgotten. This chapter of "Remember When" will deal with the CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT and its ramifications.
I remember stopping at the Ruston Market commenting on the well dressed people running up and down Winnifred street hollering at any one who would listen. I was informed they were Seattle lawyers coming to save the town and they were looking for "volunteers" to buttress a class action lawsuit soon to be filed. Anyone who would signup was promised $10 thousand dollars a lot of money back then. They had been politely asked to get off the premises when they descended on the market. But newcomers to the town were more easily swayed.
Anyway later a hearing was scheduled for Federal Court in Seattle which I attended and was at it turned out a pro forma hearing and a complicit go ahead. I decided to attend as my property in Tacoma, approximately 9.5 acres, was on the map of cleanup properties in ZONE FOUR. Bear in mind ZONE FOUR was considered to furthest away from the Asarco smelter and therefore lesser contaminated. This meant I would be last to be cleaned up to EPA standards.
My problems was I could look out my living room window and see the plant ACROSS THE STREET. I was closer to the plant than most residents of Ruston who were included in ZONE ONE. My worries were well founded as it took twenty years to "clean up" the property which meant cutting down many trees and scraping all the top soil off down to clay and not replacing any and uncovering an underground spring. I was informed they were out of money and I had to pay $12 thousand dollars to have the property sprayed with top soil grass seed otherwise I was told any runoff onto the Burlington Northern property would be my liability.
Well when I got there (federal courthouse in Seattle) a mysterious ZONE FIVE had been added to the map by the class action lawyers which about doubled the number of claimants as the further out the wider the arc. This would have great impact on the residents of Ruston as they suffered the greatest levels of contamination. This would have a great determination on the size of the checks mailed out to those determined eligible.
1) I pointed out to the judge the Lawyer's map was an overlay of the EPA map ZONES ONE to FOUR with ZONE FIVE added. I never got an explanation why it zigged in certain places and zagged in others. It turned out it was easier to get people to sign on to the class action lawsuit (ZONE FIVE) the further away from the smelter you got. Nothing original was submitted by the class action lawyers and their material was primarily from public records created over time by private lawsuits and the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)and PC (Pierce County, WA) Health Department Remember those mass mailings get your hair tested FREE.
2) Damage amounts were actually lesser in ZONE ONE as adverse publicity in the local newspaper and mail outs from the PC Health Department depressed the housing market and homes were older tending to be one story with valuation below $100 thousand. Well out in ZONE FIVE added houses were more favorably appraised at a median value of $300 thousand. The houses outside of Ruston greatly outnumbered the 700 residences in Ruston. There was a value added for ZONE ONE but the greatest evaluation to determine claim amounts and determine the size of your check to be mailed was based on the Pierce Count Assessor's valuation. There is I believe one final payout left to be mailed.
A little known factoid: THE RESIDENTS OF RUSTON closest to the SUPERFUND SITE received less than those furthest away! Inexplicably those furthest away received the largest piece of the pie.
3) Here I am a little vague on the total number of supposed original signers. Two numbers were submitted I believe to be about 460 total original signers. One number was about 265 and the other 195 as best I can remember. I pointed out to the presiding federal judge that at $10 thousand dollars each over half of the amount to be distributed would go to these individuals who supposedly contacted the class action lawyers.The Class Action lawyers cleared up the matter and the smaller number was correct as many original signers had withdrawn their signatures obtained under duress. My only victory as the judge in final summation reduced the amount to $5 thousand dollars.
4) When I objected to ZONE FIVE being added and given the lion's share of the settlement proceeds as they received the least contamination one ZONE FIVE resident present objected strenuously that their pollution, real or imagined, was just as great. It is important to stress here testing was for LEAD also which had been poisoning the atmosphere from leaded gasoline for many years but Asarco was held totally responsible for cleanup and damages. In final comment time I pointed out to the judge that the shovels used in ZONE ONE cleanup were clam shovels 20 feet long and arrived on flatbed trucks and ZONE FIVE garden shovels used would arrive in pickup trucks.
5) It is important here to note the people in the courtroom at this hearing to determine the validity of the lawsuit. ASARCO had two lawyers who solely concentrated on the expenditures submitted by the CLASS ACTION lawyers. There were two CLASS ACTION lawyers whose sole aim seemed to be expanding the lawsuit as far as they could get away with and excluding members who had withdrawn and wanted to return. There were about five spectators but not a one, not one, from RUSTON supporting ZONE ONE. I was there from TACOMA remember the EPA had me in ZONE FOUR. The others who supposedly drove over from Tacoma and paid the high parking fee I think were brought by the class action lawyers as shills.
6) In his SUMMARY the federal judge (I forgot his name) did reduce the immediate payout to original signers by half and reinstated those who had withdrawn and wanted to return. As to the unnatural zones and unfair amounts to be distributed I felt a sympathy but the final sentence "I cannot litigate this from the bench" sealed our fate and it was left to the Seattle lawyers to determine.
So in CLOSING I remained living across the street from Asarco for another 20 years but to date at 75 years of age I have yet to determine any ill effects from the Smelter. My Dad who lived his entire 90 years two blocks from the stack and the plant never suffered any either. But in the deep mind stretches of the BUREAUCRATS and LAWYERS evil things exist where money is to be made. Did I mention my father also operated his own neon sign shop where, outside of his bare hands, the only material he could use to bend the red hot glass was ASBESTOS. So much for goblins.
But the irrational fear generated by the newspapers, bureaucrats and lawyers is VERY REAL and much more damaging than REALITY. Remember the pillow case covered in dust. One pronounced Tacoma advocate on the Ruston council continues to spread these rumors and quotes Jobs for Justice apparently ignoring the fact that his father in-law retired from the smelter and those "hideous buildings" helped put his wife through a fine University obtaining a Masters Degree I do believe. Talk to your wife first and you may save yourself a lot of embarrassment later.
So, believe what you want, but deep meditation and some fact checking might spare you from any irrational fear. If they tell you different tell them I spent my first formative ten years playing in the supposed contaminated dirt so I know a little about the situation. In fact, in those years (1930s) the only doctor available in emergencies was on site at Asarco and to their expertise I can attest and am thankful for the 19 stitches reattaching my left index finger. My wood chopping days ended early on.
Any Ruston stories interviews please contact me as this BLOG is slowly converting to historical facts and stories about Ruston. One can only take so much same o' same o' (same old story) in the Town Council
James Wingard
1851 N. Hawthorne Dr.
Tacoma WA 98406-1917
(253) 752-4241 home
(253) 227-4321 cell
Monday, March 23, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Arriving at the Ruston Inn Saturday morning later than usual I was surprised to find Fred Greer sitting at the counter with his daughter Carla. Fred's wife Jeanne is recuperating in the Lutheran Home which explains why he was not sitting at the first table surrounded by family and friends. May we all send along a prayer for a speedy recovery.
You may wonder why Fred is such an inspiration to all who know him. Fred at his family's request quit climbing up his ladder to repair the roof several years ago. Fred had a full breakfast of bacon and eggs and cleaned his plate.
The answer is Fred Greer is 99 years young and presents a milestone we all could admire and hope to achieve in such excellent health.
To all the newcomer worry warts in Town Fred retired at the Asarco smelter after 34 years. Fred worked in the furnace room where the raw ore came on cars then passing through a pipe and into the red hot furnace. Are you listening EPA and PC Health Department and all the other muck raking money grubbers who glommed onto and smeared the smelter's legacy.
We talked of the war years when the smelter operated seven days a week around the clock helping to defeat the axis powers. Turns out his father and uncle worked at the smelter the same time as my grandfather L. J. Wingard, who helped in building the stack.
Ron Adams who worked on the Rock Crusher recalled the workers had their own gardens in the back and on the north side. Vegies were free for lunch. He also recalled the Torgeson's had a whole lot vegetable garden on Winnifred street (Buck Linke's old house, now two houses).
I also recalled Johnny Vail another retired smelter worker who took the bus every day to eat dinner at the Ruston Inn and then visit his lady friend until he passed on at 94 years. John was a very large man and could easily eat the whole dinner even in his nineties.
Ruston was in those days a town at peace with itself. And then the lawyers and other assorted scare mongers moved on the town in a phony money scam and got enough publicity that a pall still hangs over the town. It was a feeding trough. Free money will do that to people.
Myself I was born in Ruston 75 years ago and 20 days. The house on 51st and Shirley which later belonged to Elmer Shoneker who at one time was chief of the Ruston Volunteer Fire Department. Oh the good old days.
To the come laters there never has been a verified case of anyone being harmed in any fashion by the Asarco smelter in its 100 plus years of operation. There are numerous studies showing trace elements of the smelter metals are healthful and add to your well being and longevity.
Fred when you reach that 100 year mark I hope I am invited to the biggest party Ruston ever hosted. You are indeed an inspiration to all.
You may wonder why Fred is such an inspiration to all who know him. Fred at his family's request quit climbing up his ladder to repair the roof several years ago. Fred had a full breakfast of bacon and eggs and cleaned his plate.
The answer is Fred Greer is 99 years young and presents a milestone we all could admire and hope to achieve in such excellent health.
To all the newcomer worry warts in Town Fred retired at the Asarco smelter after 34 years. Fred worked in the furnace room where the raw ore came on cars then passing through a pipe and into the red hot furnace. Are you listening EPA and PC Health Department and all the other muck raking money grubbers who glommed onto and smeared the smelter's legacy.
We talked of the war years when the smelter operated seven days a week around the clock helping to defeat the axis powers. Turns out his father and uncle worked at the smelter the same time as my grandfather L. J. Wingard, who helped in building the stack.
Ron Adams who worked on the Rock Crusher recalled the workers had their own gardens in the back and on the north side. Vegies were free for lunch. He also recalled the Torgeson's had a whole lot vegetable garden on Winnifred street (Buck Linke's old house, now two houses).
I also recalled Johnny Vail another retired smelter worker who took the bus every day to eat dinner at the Ruston Inn and then visit his lady friend until he passed on at 94 years. John was a very large man and could easily eat the whole dinner even in his nineties.
Ruston was in those days a town at peace with itself. And then the lawyers and other assorted scare mongers moved on the town in a phony money scam and got enough publicity that a pall still hangs over the town. It was a feeding trough. Free money will do that to people.
Myself I was born in Ruston 75 years ago and 20 days. The house on 51st and Shirley which later belonged to Elmer Shoneker who at one time was chief of the Ruston Volunteer Fire Department. Oh the good old days.
To the come laters there never has been a verified case of anyone being harmed in any fashion by the Asarco smelter in its 100 plus years of operation. There are numerous studies showing trace elements of the smelter metals are healthful and add to your well being and longevity.
Fred when you reach that 100 year mark I hope I am invited to the biggest party Ruston ever hosted. You are indeed an inspiration to all.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
When will it ever end? November is our only hope. Unable to Make Monday's council meeting so I have provided a link to Karen Pickett's RUSTON HOME blog site which covers the meetings.
The less than dynamic duo, The Dan and Wayne show, drones on ad infinitum. You could print any of the last ten council meetings and come up with the same stuff: TACOMA or DOOM, LAWSUITS out the GAZOO, get rid of the FIRE DEPARTMENT.
Rather than take a direct approach to stifling POINT RUSTON they hammer away with snide remarks (any deaths?) and delaying tactics until they can create enough doubt and confusion to persuade a third council person to vote with them. Unfortunately for the Town of Ruston their tactics work.
Adamant on not paying any additional taxes except pass throughs they use the COMMENCEMENT property trust fund to pay the tax deficiencies.
Lawsuits filed on behalf of their devotees using the town's money is a whole different matter. The lawsuits vs. the COMMENCEMENT and THE POINT DEFIANCE CAFE AND CASINO vs. RUSTON total over $1 million in liability for the Town of Ruston. Briefly, the former over Ballet Classes, a most egregious lawsuit where the Town had to pay attorney fees for both sides, and the latter over take down your sign and then taxing them out of the gambling business losing $30 thousand per year in tax receipts, the Town's largest taxpayer.
It gets old: lawsuits, annexation or bankruptcy, volunteer fire department. They sure do like Tacoma though makes you wonder why they moved here in the first place? But they are sticklers to their goals. Only one change in three plus years; replacing Bob with Dan, a wash for Ruston.
Resolution #439 Consenting to the City of Tacoma's formation of LID is 100 per cent the responsibility and liability of Point Ruston and Tacoma. This has been gone over numerous times and the answer has always been the same: RUSTON has ZERO LIABILITY still they managed to get it tabled. Postponement equals delay for absolutely no benefit to Ruston. This Resolution requires consent only by the town of Ruston as required by the Washington State legislature.
You can bet the house if there was any liability for Ruston they would be all for it.
When will it ever end? November is our only hope. Unable to Make Monday's council meeting so I have provided a link to Karen Pickett's RUSTON HOME blog site which covers the meetings.
The less than dynamic duo, The Dan and Wayne show, drones on ad infinitum. You could print any of the last ten council meetings and come up with the same stuff: TACOMA or DOOM, LAWSUITS out the GAZOO, get rid of the FIRE DEPARTMENT.
Rather than take a direct approach to stifling POINT RUSTON they hammer away with snide remarks (any deaths?) and delaying tactics until they can create enough doubt and confusion to persuade a third council person to vote with them. Unfortunately for the Town of Ruston their tactics work.
Adamant on not paying any additional taxes except pass throughs they use the COMMENCEMENT property trust fund to pay the tax deficiencies.
Lawsuits filed on behalf of their devotees using the town's money is a whole different matter. The lawsuits vs. the COMMENCEMENT and THE POINT DEFIANCE CAFE AND CASINO vs. RUSTON total over $1 million in liability for the Town of Ruston. Briefly, the former over Ballet Classes, a most egregious lawsuit where the Town had to pay attorney fees for both sides, and the latter over take down your sign and then taxing them out of the gambling business losing $30 thousand per year in tax receipts, the Town's largest taxpayer.
It gets old: lawsuits, annexation or bankruptcy, volunteer fire department. They sure do like Tacoma though makes you wonder why they moved here in the first place? But they are sticklers to their goals. Only one change in three plus years; replacing Bob with Dan, a wash for Ruston.
Resolution #439 Consenting to the City of Tacoma's formation of LID is 100 per cent the responsibility and liability of Point Ruston and Tacoma. This has been gone over numerous times and the answer has always been the same: RUSTON has ZERO LIABILITY still they managed to get it tabled. Postponement equals delay for absolutely no benefit to Ruston. This Resolution requires consent only by the town of Ruston as required by the Washington State legislature.
You can bet the house if there was any liability for Ruston they would be all for it.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tacoma Weekly reports "Deal would Alter Ruston" in its March 5, 2009 edition section A page 7 byline John Larson.
"Job creation is significant for this project..." noted Martha Anderson.
"Pierce County Building and Construction Trades Council supports the LID as well as Pierce County Central Labor Council" noted Tacoma Mayor Bill Baarsma.
"Job creation is significant for this project..." noted Martha Anderson.
"Pierce County Building and Construction Trades Council supports the LID as well as Pierce County Central Labor Council" noted Tacoma Mayor Bill Baarsma.
Tacoma OKs funding for 'Ruston Way Work' .
Tacoma City Council members gave the go-ahead Tuesday to teaming up with the developer of Point Ruston, a planned $1 billion urban village ...
It's in the Tacoma News Tribune Wednesday, March 11, 2009 edition on page B2 South Sound section byline Jason Hagey.
Tacoma City Council members gave the go-ahead Tuesday to teaming up with the developer of Point Ruston, a planned $1 billion urban village ...
It's in the Tacoma News Tribune Wednesday, March 11, 2009 edition on page B2 South Sound section byline Jason Hagey.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Study session Ruston town council Monday March 2, 2009 6 p.m.
Starts with slide presentation by J. J. McCamment, POINT RUSTON.
Pretty much same old stuff. The Tacoma cabal persons on the council were unwavering in their negative questions and comment while the Ruston council persons were supportive of the LID and the project. You judge by the comments.
Jim H - House Bill 2285 (Washington State Legislature) Representative Flanagan (Tacoma) on Transportation committee will allow two communities to cooperate and enter into a single LID. Needs two votes in committee by next Friday else goes back to Senate committee. Corrects an oversight in previous bill. Not sure what happens then. Requires a vote in Ruston Town council April 6, 2009 consenting to single LID.
There is no financial risk to Ruston, no impact. Ruston Way will be closed 40 to 45 days per construction schedule with a maximum of 90 days to cover unforeseen problems. Karen Pickett will post charts on RUSTON HOME.
Dan - I need to be alerted to all bills in legislature affecting Ruston. All council persons should be notified so they can attend hearing if they desire.
Bruce - I own that one, had little notification.
Wayne -
. will roads in Ruston belong to Ruston? Answer YES.
. even if there is a bankruptcy? Answer YES.
. who finances utilities? Answer private financing.
. is Baltimore street reconnect in LID? Answer YES.
Jim H - improve road to improve Superfund status.
Loren Cohen - there will be a private engineering firm on site daily.
Jim H - any LID assessments in Ruston? Answer NO.
Dan - what about dust monitor. In Stack Hill construction a resident found her pillowcase covered in dust. Also kitchen counter top.
(note: Jobs for Justice missed that one.)
Loren - constant air monitoring, three monitors on site.
Dan - continues, meaning not always clear. Four thousand? LIDs not your usual day. Tacoma likes Point Ruston pays. Why do you need LID? Are financial costs guaranteed by LID?
J.J. McCamment - costs paid (LID) by Point Ruston. You can look at books. City of Tacoma can also look at books.
Dan - what is provided to City of Tacoma to back up financing?
J.J. - Construction loans are paid forward. Cannot exceed costs. Bond Underwriters, Bond Counsel and financial staff City of Tacoma are involved.
Dan - we need to see documentation. NO. City of Tacoma undertakes full responsibility. Ruston has no financial risk (second time) had to be told.
Jane Hunt - God bless! Informs Dan questions should have been asked in prior study sessions, not pertinent here. Engineers for Ruston and Tacoma have looked at plans.
Dan - not swayed, problems, insurance. Tacoma not same as Ruston. Town of Ruston side?(Ruston Way) needs LID financing. This is a tremendous benefit to POINT RUSTON. Wants Point Ruston to pay for sewer upgrade on Ruston side of Baltimore street.
J.J. - not in LID. No cost to Ruston, all by Tacoma.
Discussion of ANNEXATION options (Stebner)
Wayne- leads off. We need to talk with Tacoma. What are our options?
Bradley - Problem. Bob Everding and I talked to Tacoma. Annexation came up. We were told Tacoma was not interested.
Dan - non pulsed, we need to authorize the Mayor to send a letter to Tacoma inviting annexation talks. The mayor and a council person to meet with Tacoma.
Note: Guess who the council person will be?
Jane - Need a list of all Tacoma taxes.
Dan - makes motion to discuss annexation to Tacoma.
Jim H - need to see a draft of letter to council before sending.
Bruce - My two cents. We need to talk to Pierce County also. Obviously this discussion has gone on for months.
Wayne - what about current Tacoma levies? Are we responsible.
Jane - wants to be on Committee.
Dan - talks won't cost us a dime.
Motion passes 3-2 with no public input.
Terry - need one council person for each side.
Lyle - can we be annexed?
Jim - Instead of continuing secret meetings why not invite Tacoma officials to come to a Ruston town meeting where all the towns people can attend and ask questions?
Connie - Money squandered. Lawsuit losers. You already know outcome. Shameful to destroy this town.
Note: Wow. Tell it like it is Connie.
Lyle - Rust way closure affect on businesses in Ruston? Ex: Ruston Market.
Jim - Waterview street was washed out for months and we all survived.
Beth Torbet - (owner Ruston Market) Point Ruston has been very helpful to our business. We hope to continue supporting them during construction and appreciate the business they provide for us.
Bruce - Appreciate dialogue, remaining calm. We need to make Ruston what we can. Bring up to speed voluntarily.
Bradley - thanks Sheeri Forsch for support in Easter Egg hunt April 11th. Instead of full breakfast will have coffee and donuts in Town Hall following.
Dan - Annexation. Methods by which it can occur, both councils must agree with public vote. (Note: public comments would have been appreciated.)
SOLUTION: balance the budget, will require $5,000 dollars per household to cover deficit and sewers. Services are beyond our level. As to Point Ruston I hope they make it but have worries.
Jane - AWC, Association of Washington Cities, met in Olympia February 18 and 19. Most communities arrived day before and stayed day after to lobby legislature for services. All communities are in the same boat financially. Ruston needs to pay more attention to Legislature.
Wayne - Do we need budget amendment? Answer NO, already approved. Three houses in town in foreclosure. Who will do upkeep so grass doesn't grow a foot high?
Towns people who want to remain Ruston need to come up with a plan to reduce deficit!
Here is mine.
. We do not need another high priced ceremonial Police Chief. We have an acting Police Chief as good as any. Give him the job and a raise. He has shown loyalty and devotion to the town and is deserving of a bonus also.
. A town that used to get by with one Police officer does not need ten or the $420,000 dollar budget that goes along with them, including 1,500 hours of overtime.
. Seven days requires only 14 twelve hour shifts maximum for 24 hour coverage. This requires only three to four officers, depending on coverage.
. Checking license plates in Ruston business' parking lots does not provide any useful training and is a wasted effort in a town in a financial mess.
. Pay them wages corresponding to other communities so they will stay and provide full benefits.
. Give them a bonus if necessary, $5,000 dollars each.
. These changes could save the town $200,000 dollars minimum.
Drop frivolous lawsuits (we don't like your sign). Town was offered a very generous settlement and they turned it down. Who benefits from a lengthy expensive lawsuit? The town will more than likely lose ( imposing death tax ) and pay all court costs both sides. They could lose $9.6 million in damages. They increased their liability coverage with AWC to ten million dollars but this program was not designed to support cabal lawsuits and likely will not cover damages. This misadventure put the town's largest taxpayer out of the gambling business costing the town $30,000 dollars per year in taxes. In financially stressful times try to make any sense out of that.
Town of Ruston officials:
Mayor, Bruce Hopkins
Council, Bradley Huson, Jim Hedrick, Wayne Stebner, Dan Albertson, Jane Hunt
Attorney, David Britton
Planner, Rob White
Clerk, Karen Carlisle
Adjourn 9:25 p. m.
Starts with slide presentation by J. J. McCamment, POINT RUSTON.
Pretty much same old stuff. The Tacoma cabal persons on the council were unwavering in their negative questions and comment while the Ruston council persons were supportive of the LID and the project. You judge by the comments.
Jim H - House Bill 2285 (Washington State Legislature) Representative Flanagan (Tacoma) on Transportation committee will allow two communities to cooperate and enter into a single LID. Needs two votes in committee by next Friday else goes back to Senate committee. Corrects an oversight in previous bill. Not sure what happens then. Requires a vote in Ruston Town council April 6, 2009 consenting to single LID.
There is no financial risk to Ruston, no impact. Ruston Way will be closed 40 to 45 days per construction schedule with a maximum of 90 days to cover unforeseen problems. Karen Pickett will post charts on RUSTON HOME.
Dan - I need to be alerted to all bills in legislature affecting Ruston. All council persons should be notified so they can attend hearing if they desire.
Bruce - I own that one, had little notification.
Wayne -
. will roads in Ruston belong to Ruston? Answer YES.
. even if there is a bankruptcy? Answer YES.
. who finances utilities? Answer private financing.
. is Baltimore street reconnect in LID? Answer YES.
Jim H - improve road to improve Superfund status.
Loren Cohen - there will be a private engineering firm on site daily.
Jim H - any LID assessments in Ruston? Answer NO.
Dan - what about dust monitor. In Stack Hill construction a resident found her pillowcase covered in dust. Also kitchen counter top.
(note: Jobs for Justice missed that one.)
Loren - constant air monitoring, three monitors on site.
Dan - continues, meaning not always clear. Four thousand? LIDs not your usual day. Tacoma likes Point Ruston pays. Why do you need LID? Are financial costs guaranteed by LID?
J.J. McCamment - costs paid (LID) by Point Ruston. You can look at books. City of Tacoma can also look at books.
Dan - what is provided to City of Tacoma to back up financing?
J.J. - Construction loans are paid forward. Cannot exceed costs. Bond Underwriters, Bond Counsel and financial staff City of Tacoma are involved.
Dan - we need to see documentation. NO. City of Tacoma undertakes full responsibility. Ruston has no financial risk (second time) had to be told.
Jane Hunt - God bless! Informs Dan questions should have been asked in prior study sessions, not pertinent here. Engineers for Ruston and Tacoma have looked at plans.
Dan - not swayed, problems, insurance. Tacoma not same as Ruston. Town of Ruston side?(Ruston Way) needs LID financing. This is a tremendous benefit to POINT RUSTON. Wants Point Ruston to pay for sewer upgrade on Ruston side of Baltimore street.
J.J. - not in LID. No cost to Ruston, all by Tacoma.
Discussion of ANNEXATION options (Stebner)
Wayne- leads off. We need to talk with Tacoma. What are our options?
Bradley - Problem. Bob Everding and I talked to Tacoma. Annexation came up. We were told Tacoma was not interested.
Dan - non pulsed, we need to authorize the Mayor to send a letter to Tacoma inviting annexation talks. The mayor and a council person to meet with Tacoma.
Note: Guess who the council person will be?
Jane - Need a list of all Tacoma taxes.
Dan - makes motion to discuss annexation to Tacoma.
Jim H - need to see a draft of letter to council before sending.
Bruce - My two cents. We need to talk to Pierce County also. Obviously this discussion has gone on for months.
Wayne - what about current Tacoma levies? Are we responsible.
Jane - wants to be on Committee.
Dan - talks won't cost us a dime.
Motion passes 3-2 with no public input.
Terry - need one council person for each side.
Lyle - can we be annexed?
Jim - Instead of continuing secret meetings why not invite Tacoma officials to come to a Ruston town meeting where all the towns people can attend and ask questions?
Connie - Money squandered. Lawsuit losers. You already know outcome. Shameful to destroy this town.
Note: Wow. Tell it like it is Connie.
Lyle - Rust way closure affect on businesses in Ruston? Ex: Ruston Market.
Jim - Waterview street was washed out for months and we all survived.
Beth Torbet - (owner Ruston Market) Point Ruston has been very helpful to our business. We hope to continue supporting them during construction and appreciate the business they provide for us.
Bruce - Appreciate dialogue, remaining calm. We need to make Ruston what we can. Bring up to speed voluntarily.
Bradley - thanks Sheeri Forsch for support in Easter Egg hunt April 11th. Instead of full breakfast will have coffee and donuts in Town Hall following.
Dan - Annexation. Methods by which it can occur, both councils must agree with public vote. (Note: public comments would have been appreciated.)
SOLUTION: balance the budget, will require $5,000 dollars per household to cover deficit and sewers. Services are beyond our level. As to Point Ruston I hope they make it but have worries.
Jane - AWC, Association of Washington Cities, met in Olympia February 18 and 19. Most communities arrived day before and stayed day after to lobby legislature for services. All communities are in the same boat financially. Ruston needs to pay more attention to Legislature.
Wayne - Do we need budget amendment? Answer NO, already approved. Three houses in town in foreclosure. Who will do upkeep so grass doesn't grow a foot high?
Towns people who want to remain Ruston need to come up with a plan to reduce deficit!
Here is mine.
. We do not need another high priced ceremonial Police Chief. We have an acting Police Chief as good as any. Give him the job and a raise. He has shown loyalty and devotion to the town and is deserving of a bonus also.
. A town that used to get by with one Police officer does not need ten or the $420,000 dollar budget that goes along with them, including 1,500 hours of overtime.
. Seven days requires only 14 twelve hour shifts maximum for 24 hour coverage. This requires only three to four officers, depending on coverage.
. Checking license plates in Ruston business' parking lots does not provide any useful training and is a wasted effort in a town in a financial mess.
. Pay them wages corresponding to other communities so they will stay and provide full benefits.
. Give them a bonus if necessary, $5,000 dollars each.
. These changes could save the town $200,000 dollars minimum.
Drop frivolous lawsuits (we don't like your sign). Town was offered a very generous settlement and they turned it down. Who benefits from a lengthy expensive lawsuit? The town will more than likely lose ( imposing death tax ) and pay all court costs both sides. They could lose $9.6 million in damages. They increased their liability coverage with AWC to ten million dollars but this program was not designed to support cabal lawsuits and likely will not cover damages. This misadventure put the town's largest taxpayer out of the gambling business costing the town $30,000 dollars per year in taxes. In financially stressful times try to make any sense out of that.
Town of Ruston officials:
Mayor, Bruce Hopkins
Council, Bradley Huson, Jim Hedrick, Wayne Stebner, Dan Albertson, Jane Hunt
Attorney, David Britton
Planner, Rob White
Clerk, Karen Carlisle
Adjourn 9:25 p. m.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Regular Ruston council meeting March 2, 2009 7:13 p.m.
.Discussion of Annexation Options (Stebner)
The Ruston Town Council voted 3-2 to authorize the mayor to send a letter to the City of Tacoma inviting annexation talks. This was on a motion by Dan Albertson, seconded by Wayne Stebner with Jane Hunt providing the deciding vote. No public input was allowed.
ANNEXATION on my brain.
Anyway, it's all in vain.
ANNEXATION is the only game.
Anyway, my brain is lame.
Jim Hedrick and Bradley Huson voted to remain as Ruston and tough it out.
Secret talks with Tacoma started three years ago and have met with little success. Let's bring them out in the open and bring Tacoma to Ruston for a public airing.
Police Chief, Jeremy Kunkel report: officer leaving for better opportunity. Received $7,000 signing bonus, $10 more per hour to start, 12 hour shifts, all equipment and patrol car. Is this why we need ten officers during a budget crisis?
Fire Chief, Don Torbet, reported on the outdoor light reported on fire. It was an optical illusion caused by heavy rain downpour.
Ordinance no. 1281 - pertaining to variance from height and rear setbacks (first reading)
for The RUSTON BUILDING, a commercial enterprise.
Rob White, Town Planner, spoke in favor of the building located at 5811 N. 51st Street.
David Boe, project Architect, spoke regarding rear setback which would make the property not developable, too small.
Wayne - 45 feet will block the sun? Parking issue.
(behind building is a parking lot, across alley is a parking lot and a commercial storage yard, adjoining is a commercial structure. Put this in the category of imaginary views much like the views to be blocked by the Silver Cloud Hotel.)
Boe - variance does not involve parking.
Jim H - Parking?
Rob - no requirement for on site parking.
(Tacoma eliminated on site parking requirements because it led to some ugly monstrosity buildings.)
Dan - dramatic improvement over burned out structure currently on property.
Jane - Planning Commission did wonderful job - really exciting.
Bradley - motion to approve and to waive first reading and proceed to second reading.
Waiver passed 5-0, unanimously, second reading.
Note: The Town received a $35,000 grant to study commercial development of N. 51st and on Pearl Street. Planning Commission recommendations were approved and included a 45 foot height limit. The town council then led by Bob Everding and Wayne Stebner neutralized it by eliminating two blocks on Pearl Street and lowering height limit to 35 feet. Yah, PC bumpkins we'll show you who's boss! Across the street in Tacoma on Pearl Street the height limit is 45 feet. Apparently they don't get it when they complete the annexation the height limit will revert to 45 feet.
On the Planning Commission at that time were Jim Hedrick, Jane Hunt and chairman Bradley Huson who if they wanted could reverse this nonsensical vote and restore the original Planning
Commission recommendations and eliminate the need for these costly time consuming variances. The only thing stopping them is the wrath of Dan. Get a spine.
Good things can happen when Ruston is the prime consideration.
Ordinance No. 1278 - Private Alarm Systems (first reading)
Wayne - car alarms too?
David - requires separate Ordinance.
Mayor's wife made a comment from the rear and in a fun moment the Mayor raised the gavel as to strike it and brought it down slowly showing a sense of humor long overdue on this council. This caused the audience to erupt in laughter. A charming moment, the way it used to be in Ruston.
Ordinance No. 1279 - fire inspections
Wayne - makes pitch to turn job over to Pierce County Fire Marshall. "Does the same."
Bruce - would add additional cost. Benefits in familiarity if we do them.
Don -Fire Marshall would preempt us.
Dan - notice of inspection should be given out with license renewal.
Jane - biggest problem extension cords.
Don Torbet, Fire Chief - agrees extension cords are a problem. Buildings in Ruston are older and have fewer electrical outlets for modern needs. We drop off materials for inspection including checklist and make an appointment. This give business enough time to make changes on their own and bring property up to code. This protects town against loss of revenue from fires causing business closures.
Note: Note I don't know how many tracks there are in Wayne Stebner's brain but he has been a mortal enemy of the Ruston Fire Department from day one and advocate of Annexation to Tacoma from day two. Give it up Wayne, you live in RUSTON!
Ordinance No. 1280 - permitted off-leash areas (first reading) (for dogs I presume)
A classic example of we don't have a clue what we are doing. After much wasted time and black board drawings they agreed to meet at the playfield with tape measures and figure out how many lineal feet of new fencing would be required. Good luck climbing out of the gulch. This would require removing the present fence and the baseball backstop and diamond. So much for priorities in Ruston. Wayne's dog or the kids.
Jane - objected to removing baseball diamond and backstop and came out on the kid's side.
Jane - this park was a grant. Are these changes even legal?
Jim - need to review Burlington Northern lease to Ruston for property.
Mayor - pointed out we have already made two $100,000 draws in the first quarter from the Surplus Property fund. We may exceed $500,000 budgeted for deficit before end of year.
In a public comment the matter was laid out succinctly. Why are you spending money on a dog park when we are running a $500,000 deficit?
More later on ANNEXATION and study Session on POINT RUSTON LID.
Town of Ruston officials:
Mayor, Bruce Hopkins
Council, Bradley Huson, Jim Hedrick, Wayne Stebner, Dan Albertson, Jane Hunt
Attorney, David Britton
Planner, Rob White
Clerk, Karen Carlisle
.Discussion of Annexation Options (Stebner)
The Ruston Town Council voted 3-2 to authorize the mayor to send a letter to the City of Tacoma inviting annexation talks. This was on a motion by Dan Albertson, seconded by Wayne Stebner with Jane Hunt providing the deciding vote. No public input was allowed.
ANNEXATION on my brain.
Anyway, it's all in vain.
ANNEXATION is the only game.
Anyway, my brain is lame.
Jim Hedrick and Bradley Huson voted to remain as Ruston and tough it out.
Secret talks with Tacoma started three years ago and have met with little success. Let's bring them out in the open and bring Tacoma to Ruston for a public airing.
Police Chief, Jeremy Kunkel report: officer leaving for better opportunity. Received $7,000 signing bonus, $10 more per hour to start, 12 hour shifts, all equipment and patrol car. Is this why we need ten officers during a budget crisis?
Fire Chief, Don Torbet, reported on the outdoor light reported on fire. It was an optical illusion caused by heavy rain downpour.
Ordinance no. 1281 - pertaining to variance from height and rear setbacks (first reading)
for The RUSTON BUILDING, a commercial enterprise.
Rob White, Town Planner, spoke in favor of the building located at 5811 N. 51st Street.
David Boe, project Architect, spoke regarding rear setback which would make the property not developable, too small.
Wayne - 45 feet will block the sun? Parking issue.
(behind building is a parking lot, across alley is a parking lot and a commercial storage yard, adjoining is a commercial structure. Put this in the category of imaginary views much like the views to be blocked by the Silver Cloud Hotel.)
Boe - variance does not involve parking.
Jim H - Parking?
Rob - no requirement for on site parking.
(Tacoma eliminated on site parking requirements because it led to some ugly monstrosity buildings.)
Dan - dramatic improvement over burned out structure currently on property.
Jane - Planning Commission did wonderful job - really exciting.
Bradley - motion to approve and to waive first reading and proceed to second reading.
Waiver passed 5-0, unanimously, second reading.
Note: The Town received a $35,000 grant to study commercial development of N. 51st and on Pearl Street. Planning Commission recommendations were approved and included a 45 foot height limit. The town council then led by Bob Everding and Wayne Stebner neutralized it by eliminating two blocks on Pearl Street and lowering height limit to 35 feet. Yah, PC bumpkins we'll show you who's boss! Across the street in Tacoma on Pearl Street the height limit is 45 feet. Apparently they don't get it when they complete the annexation the height limit will revert to 45 feet.
On the Planning Commission at that time were Jim Hedrick, Jane Hunt and chairman Bradley Huson who if they wanted could reverse this nonsensical vote and restore the original Planning
Commission recommendations and eliminate the need for these costly time consuming variances. The only thing stopping them is the wrath of Dan. Get a spine.
Good things can happen when Ruston is the prime consideration.
Ordinance No. 1278 - Private Alarm Systems (first reading)
Wayne - car alarms too?
David - requires separate Ordinance.
Mayor's wife made a comment from the rear and in a fun moment the Mayor raised the gavel as to strike it and brought it down slowly showing a sense of humor long overdue on this council. This caused the audience to erupt in laughter. A charming moment, the way it used to be in Ruston.
Ordinance No. 1279 - fire inspections
Wayne - makes pitch to turn job over to Pierce County Fire Marshall. "Does the same."
Bruce - would add additional cost. Benefits in familiarity if we do them.
Don -Fire Marshall would preempt us.
Dan - notice of inspection should be given out with license renewal.
Jane - biggest problem extension cords.
Don Torbet, Fire Chief - agrees extension cords are a problem. Buildings in Ruston are older and have fewer electrical outlets for modern needs. We drop off materials for inspection including checklist and make an appointment. This give business enough time to make changes on their own and bring property up to code. This protects town against loss of revenue from fires causing business closures.
Note: Note I don't know how many tracks there are in Wayne Stebner's brain but he has been a mortal enemy of the Ruston Fire Department from day one and advocate of Annexation to Tacoma from day two. Give it up Wayne, you live in RUSTON!
Ordinance No. 1280 - permitted off-leash areas (first reading) (for dogs I presume)
A classic example of we don't have a clue what we are doing. After much wasted time and black board drawings they agreed to meet at the playfield with tape measures and figure out how many lineal feet of new fencing would be required. Good luck climbing out of the gulch. This would require removing the present fence and the baseball backstop and diamond. So much for priorities in Ruston. Wayne's dog or the kids.
Jane - objected to removing baseball diamond and backstop and came out on the kid's side.
Jane - this park was a grant. Are these changes even legal?
Jim - need to review Burlington Northern lease to Ruston for property.
Mayor - pointed out we have already made two $100,000 draws in the first quarter from the Surplus Property fund. We may exceed $500,000 budgeted for deficit before end of year.
In a public comment the matter was laid out succinctly. Why are you spending money on a dog park when we are running a $500,000 deficit?
More later on ANNEXATION and study Session on POINT RUSTON LID.
Town of Ruston officials:
Mayor, Bruce Hopkins
Council, Bradley Huson, Jim Hedrick, Wayne Stebner, Dan Albertson, Jane Hunt
Attorney, David Britton
Planner, Rob White
Clerk, Karen Carlisle
Sunday, March 1, 2009

First STACK HILL opening attracts 333 visitors in three hours.
STACK HILL OPEN HOUSE model home open again today Sunday march 1 from noon to 3 pm.
"First open house was an overwhelming success success, a record number of visitors for a single afternoon" according to the TACOMA NEWS TRIBUNE Saturday Feb. 28, 2009 SOUTH SOUND HOMES section.
"The comments were overwhelmingly positive regarding the quality, craftsmanship, style and design of the homes". "Guests were also interested to hear about the exciting things happening down on the waterfront at POINT RUSTON , WHERE THE FIRST WATERFRONT CONDOMINIUMS are slated to open for occupancy this fall.
For all the positive news about RUSTON stay tuned to RUSTON INSIDER.
STACK HILL OPEN HOUSE model home open again today Sunday march 1 from noon to 3 pm.
"First open house was an overwhelming success success, a record number of visitors for a single afternoon" according to the TACOMA NEWS TRIBUNE Saturday Feb. 28, 2009 SOUTH SOUND HOMES section.
"The comments were overwhelmingly positive regarding the quality, craftsmanship, style and design of the homes". "Guests were also interested to hear about the exciting things happening down on the waterfront at POINT RUSTON , WHERE THE FIRST WATERFRONT CONDOMINIUMS are slated to open for occupancy this fall.
For all the positive news about RUSTON stay tuned to RUSTON INSIDER.
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