Thursday, March 19, 2009



When will it ever end? November is our only hope. Unable to Make Monday's council meeting so I have provided a link to Karen Pickett's RUSTON HOME blog site which covers the meetings.

The less than dynamic duo, The Dan and Wayne show, drones on ad infinitum. You could print any of the last ten council meetings and come up with the same stuff: TACOMA or DOOM, LAWSUITS out the GAZOO, get rid of the FIRE DEPARTMENT.

Rather than take a direct approach to stifling POINT RUSTON they hammer away with snide remarks (any deaths?) and delaying tactics until they can create enough doubt and confusion to persuade a third council person to vote with them. Unfortunately for the Town of Ruston their tactics work.

Adamant on not paying any additional taxes except pass throughs they use the COMMENCEMENT property trust fund to pay the tax deficiencies.

Lawsuits filed on behalf of their devotees using the town's money is a whole different matter. The lawsuits vs. the COMMENCEMENT and THE POINT DEFIANCE CAFE AND CASINO vs. RUSTON total over $1 million in liability for the Town of Ruston. Briefly, the former over Ballet Classes, a most egregious lawsuit where the Town had to pay attorney fees for both sides, and the latter over take down your sign and then taxing them out of the gambling business losing $30 thousand per year in tax receipts, the Town's largest taxpayer.

It gets old: lawsuits, annexation or bankruptcy, volunteer fire department. They sure do like Tacoma though makes you wonder why they moved here in the first place? But they are sticklers to their goals. Only one change in three plus years; replacing Bob with Dan, a wash for Ruston.

Resolution #439 Consenting to the City of Tacoma's formation of LID is 100 per cent the responsibility and liability of Point Ruston and Tacoma. This has been gone over numerous times and the answer has always been the same: RUSTON has ZERO LIABILITY still they managed to get it tabled. Postponement equals delay for absolutely no benefit to Ruston. This Resolution requires consent only by the town of Ruston as required by the Washington State legislature.

You can bet the house if there was any liability for Ruston they would be all for it.


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