Saturday, April 11, 2009


Or KING of the PRR FOIA to be nominated today. A double, KING of the LAWSUITS, too.

Before the Cabal later to be reorganized (smaller) Tacoma Cabal, the Town of Ruston had no lawsuit involvement. A FOIA PRR was a bureaucratic sandwich. Admit it we were clueless on this alphabetic potpourri. Well here goes:

FOIA - Freedom of Information Act
PRR - Public Records Request

The number one lawsuit of all time:


came about after Dan Albertson when he was running for Ruston Town Council position appeared at the Point Ruston Cafe and Casino requesting they take down their sign which was not suitable to members of the Cabal and deemed not a dignified sign for the entrance to Ruston.
Gambling! Gambling in Casablanca (Ruston) I am horrified.
Well the sign didn't come down (still paying for it) and the Town's largest taxpayer forced to close its gambling business laying off approximately 35 workers just before the holidays. This was a result of an exorbitant death tax of 12 percent, passed as an emergency measure, supposedly to save the town from going broke, but in reality losing the the Town's largest taxpayer, $30 thousand per year at the time, $150 thousand or more five years.

Shortly thereafter the Point Defiance Cafe and Casino filed a lawsuit against the Town for $950 thousand dollars. A very reasonable offer to settle was made by the Point Defiance Cafe and Casino and was rejected by whom we do not know. The Town of Ruston has no organization chart and thus who makes decisions is a mystery. Suspect the usual suspects. Trial date:

08/13/2009 DEPT 05 - JUDGE HOGAN (Rm. 2-C ) Confirmed 9:00 Trial

All because of a sign the Cabal deemed offensive. All financed by the Town of Ruston which has no pecuniary interest in the matter, in fact has suffered great harm financially.

But back to those PRRs which were a rarity BC (Before Cabal). My nomination for King of the PRRs is the person who submitted (attached below) a three page PRR which required a box of paper and a substantial amount in legal fees to read and release all the documents requested. At this time I am not up to date on the Guiness Book of World Records so we'll suffice for KING OF RUSTON PRRs for now. KING OF THE WORLD is a stretch.

Well so much for the suspense it is once again our very own Tacoma Lawyer Dan Albertson.

All lawsuits involving the Town of Ruston may be viewed at LINX search.

Biggest PRR request ever attached includes bonus PRR at end:



Anonymous said...

If you requested ALL PDR's Mr. Albertson submitted, you didn't get them all!!!

Anonymous said...

I got three but only provided two.

Anonymous said...

If no one else gets nominated does that mean it is unanimous like annexation? At least here you get to comment!