Saturday, June 20, 2009


Ruston regular council meeting Monday June 15, 2009 at 7:40 pm:
Dan and Bradley absent.

First 40 minutes were spent in EXECUTIVE SESSION. Remember when the former mayor was excoriated over executive sessions by the cabal. Now they are pretty much a regular happening due to the plethora of lawsuits, ongoing litigation, and personnel matters.

Fire Chief Don Torbet- Major investigation, big item, still underway will give report next meeting.
Police Chief Jeremy Kunkel- thanked Marla Miller for getting the town radar unit back into service. Thanks to Bruce and Lynette Hopkins for curb painting last few weekends will cut down on number of parking violations. Regarding Taste of Tacoma, NO PARKING signs will be posted. Town will pay for overnight officers.

Jim - worried that indemnification will cover private lawsuits filed and paid for by town of Ruston.
Sherri- Deployed military honored. Likes bright red striping (curbs). Praise for Bradley Huson, a civic treasure, for sponsoring a senior lunch.
JJ McCamment- Point Ruston office moved to Stack Hill model home until permanent moorage arranged at the Urban Village site.

ORDINANCE 1278 - Regulation of Private Alarm Services
Jane motion to adopt Jim second.
Wayne- voting no doesn't see any benefit to people.
David- modeled directly after City of Lakewood.
Passes 2-1 Wayne voting no.

ORDINANCE 1285 - Fireworks
Jane motion to adopt, Wayne second.
Jim- voting NO.
.Sentimental but have permit.
.Safe and sane fireworks only are permitted, good for youngsters.
.Illegal fireworks already illegal, police enforcement problem.
Don Torbet-
.Safe and same OK.
.Bottle rocket offenders should be incarcerated.
.Enforcement is difficult but we need to enforce current laws.
.If violation occurs permit can be pulled.
.Ordinance only applies to users of safe and sane fireworks. lawful use.
.Hope that you vote it down.
.People who operate lawfully should be allowed to do so.
.We do not enforce current laws.
.Easier to do so if no safe and sane
Wayne- only six applicants for permits. People have spoken.
Jim -
.legitimate problem but why punish safe and sane users?
.Six people also number of proponents of annexation.
David- fourty (40) permits authorized this year.
Passes 2-1 Jim Hedrick NO.

(comment: SANE, this is Ruston, cabal rules only apply. More on that later. People have spoken!! Yes they have and they want safe and sane. No word on whether two and three year old violators will be arrested or just issued violation tickets. Yes, Ruston where children can be serious law violators. Lordy Lordy, when will we see November? Not soon enough. This logic is a real head shaker! Forty permits Wayne not six.)

ORDINANCE 1287 - Provide Indemnification of the Mayor, Council members and Town Employees.
Jim motion to adopt, Wayne second.
Wayne- this should have been done a long time ago.
Jim- five days to notify. Number of days not specified in ordinance. What do I do?
David- report to Town Clerk within twenty days otherwise Town in default. Ordinance was superior.
Wayne- new council members should be notified immediately.
Passes 3-0.

ORDINANCE 1288 - Amending Town's Traffic Code (second reading)
No discussion passes 3-0.

ORDINANCE 1289 - Amending Town's Parking Code (second reading)
Jim - section 2 one hour for commercial vehicles or normal course of business?
David- 2-3 pages cannot possibly cover all circumstances.
Rob- No police enforcement, zoning only.

ORDINANCE 1290 - Repealing RMC Chapter 1.10 Library Card Reimbursement
(1st reading)
Jane - How much does this cost us a year?
Bruce -
.No money back for cutting checks.
.No reimbursement to Town. Why are we doing it.
.Holdover from days when Asarco paid.
Terry- Tacoma library card for Ruston resident $50 dollars.

RESOLUTION 445 - Council Rules of Procedure
General Public Comments before business passes 3-0.

RESOLUTION 446 - Fourth of July Children's Parade
Wayne - How much is this going to cost us?
Jim- I will pay for permit.
Don Torbet- Volunteer fire department will handle signs and street closing.
Passes 3-0.

(Comment: Be against a children's parade and safe and sane fireworks in the same meeting? Wow, that is cold.)

.Spent last two weeks painting curbs. Lots of fun and hard work.
.Builds Town spirit. Curious residents come out and pitch in to help.
. lots of people to thank. Edie Tallman, Hardins, Fred Beisinger, Bradley.
. especially Steve Taylor, one devoted Town employee!
(Wrote as fast as I could but missed some names.)
.Donation from Michael Tallman for use of Whole Hog Compressor.
.Putting in new water line in park restroom (Canon Construction).
.Still need donations for Trencher and Plumbing ($1,700 dollars).
.Most difficult ...
.Looking to have our meetings in school room within next 45 days.
.They have a new model showroom online.
.Leaving behind kitchen area and all equipment (stove, refrigerator, et al)
.Moving temporarily into bedroom.
.Leaving bathroom intact.
.All walls removed, pillars to support.
.Local contractor to do work.
.All tile remains
.Ginger Kryger excited for Empty Bowl project.
.Can be rented.
.Stage will be available, wall removed.
.Will have once a month meeting for all Town employees in same room: Planner, Engineer, building officials, Chiefs.
.Bring all up to date on what we are working on.
.Meters in Commencement previously not billed.
.COMMENCEMENT wrote $4,000 dollar check to Town to cover basic electric charges.
.Money goes into Electric Fund.
(WOW. After the harassment from the Town and the Cabal non stop. These are fine people.)

.Have had a vacant property inquiry.
.JJ provided parcel numbers for Town vacant land.
.Any can be surplussed.
.Chart is available in Town Hall.
.Asked Rob to take lead in number of developments.
.Consultants to go through Rob, one person point.
.Commencement wants temporary occupancy permit.
.Would have to be bonded to finish work.
.Should be automated.
.Billing information available.

Wayne- Nothing.
.Can be available Saturday.
.No dogs in park. Posted no off leash.
Bruce- It is a misdemeanor.
.Need education.

Wayne apparently is the self appointed watchdog for minuscule items. Objecting to free permit for Children's Parade because library cards were no longer free. Yes Wayne, what about when you and members of your cabal wanted to hold "ballet classes" in the school auditorium? The same auditorium the Town had already leased to the Commencement for 500 years.

Remember the Town filed a lawsuit at your behest to terminate the lease? The judge found the lawsuit so egregious the Town was ordered to pay legal fees for both sides and the Commencement could stay as long as they desired.

Remember the total cost to the Town was in the $100,000 dollar range?)

Town of Ruston officials:
Mayor, Bruce Hopkins
Council, Bradley Huson, Jim Hedrick, Wayne Stebner, Dan Albertson, Jane Hunt
Attorney, David Britton
Planner, Rob White
Clerk/Treasurer, Karen Carlisle



Let's get going on ANNEXATION???

Tacoma is bleeding red ink and needs $180 million to fix Tacoma streets as reported by Ian Demsky in the News Tribune edition of Wednesday June 17th front page.

Wonder what the Tacoma duo, annexation twins, will have to say on this one.

Property taxes would be raised 12 percent or $139 dollars per $100,000 of assessed value if the levy passes.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009


The ongoing legal battle pitting the Point Defiance Cafe and Casino vs. The Town of Ruston continues as reported today in The News Tribune byline Ian Demsky in the Political Buzz.

The dispute arose when the Town Council voted to exorbitantly raise the gambling tax closing the Towns largest taxpayer and putting thirty people out of work in the holiday season. The dispute originated when two private citizens objected to the sign in front of the Casino.

Notations from LINX on motion and trial dates:

DEPT 05 - JUDGE HOGAN (Rm. 2-C )
9:00 Motion - Summary Judgment
Scheduled By: JOAN MELL

DEPT 05 - JUDGE HOGAN (Rm. 2-C )
9:00 Trial

Notes on Ruston Town Council Meeting June 15th at 7:40 pm will be out Saturday if all goes well.


Friday, June 5, 2009


Final filings for Ruston town council and Mayor:

Primary Election: Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Ruston Mayor Short Term Four Year Term
Bruce Hopkins
5313 N 49th St Ruston, WA 98407
Home: (253) 752-5071

Ruston Council Position 1 Short Term Four Year Term
Lyle Hardin
5223 N Winnifred St Ruston, WA 98407
Home: (253) 752-8815

Ruston Council Position 2
Deborah Kristovich
5319 N Commercial St Ruston, WA 98407
Home: (253) 988-8121

Ruston Council Position 4 Short Term Four Year Term

Bryan Ficiala
5307 N Shirley St Ruston, WA 98407
Home: (425) 785-8733

Jane Krock Hunt
5315 N Commercial St Ruston, WA 98407
Home: (253) 759-2364


Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Ruston regular town council meeting June 1, 2009 7pm page 2:

Donors to town: Bradley Huson, Bruce Hopkins and Jim Hedrick. Congratulations to all. A new spirit in the Town of Ruston.

MAYOR'S TIME Bruce Hopkins -
Tree committee
.No money to acquire trees.
.Need to plant 16 trees, tough situation during budget crisis.
.Need advice from council to keep moving forward.
.five tree types already picked not 16. Winnifred street will be first.
.problem 17 trees needed at $65 dollars each.
I will write check to pay for trees.
.This is not rocket science and has gone on way to long.
Bruce- Can we fund it?
Bradley- will knock on doors if necessary and ask for $20 dollar donations.
.Special, electric engineer, on street light replacement.
.Very shortly asking for bid requests, moving forward.
.We have two finance options.
.Painting curbs - clearly identified markings painted red.
.Park there you get ticket. Jeremy notified no exceptions.
.Looking for volunteers to paint next weekend.
.I provided paint brushes and buckets.
.Have need for paint sprayer to speed up work.
.Very important to make town look good.
.Steve Taylor has marked curbs to paint.
.Not close to goal getting ready by Taste of Tacoma.

Wayne- Nothing at this time.
.Plant trees between November to March.
.Cheaper and more available then.
.Received email from citizen complaining about dogs off leash in park.
.Need signs posted leash area only.
David- Money has been budgeted for signs.
.Have request (Isabelle Davis) for 4th of July children's parade.
.Start at Don's Market down Winnifred street to end and back ending at Don's Market.
.Need council resolution.
.We need other events (Jeremy) in lieu of fireworks.
.Will need to close Winnifred street, need sign.
.I will pay $100 dollar event permit fee if not waived.
.LID. Cost to Ruston, bills submitted to Ruston need to be forwarded to Point Ruston.
.Clerk to bill Point Ruston (Bruce).
.All LID expenses to Point Ruston.
.Filing period for council, Wayne Stebner filed already. (Note: Not recorded on Candidate Filing Report (unofficial) as of today June 2.
.Wayne always put the interests of the Town of Ruston first. Always put policy before personality. Never proposed taking away views. Is against selling park for residential. I hope the public recognizes his service.
(Note: Whose policy?)
Jane- excused absence.

Pierce County, Washington
Primary Election: Tuesday, August 18, 2009
General Election: Tuesday, November 3, 2009

as of closing June 2nd, 2009, posted daily at:
Deadline to file June 5th, 2009 Friday

Ruston Council Position 1 Short Term Four Year Term
Lyle Hardin
5223 N Winnifred StRuston, WA 98407
Home: (253) 752-8815
Ruston Council Position 4 Short Term Four Year Term

Jane Krock Hunt
5315 N Commercial StRuston, WA 98407
Home: (253) 759-2364

ADJOURN 8:00 pm. Wow an achievement to be applauded.

Town of Ruston officials:
Mayor, Bruce Hopkins
Council, Bradley Huson, Jim Hedrick, Wayne Stebner, Dan Albertson, Jane Hunt
Attorney, David Britton
Planner, Rob White
Clerk/Treasurer, Karen Carlisle


Monday, June 1, 2009


Ruston town council regular meeting June 1, 2009 7pm:

Believe it one hour meeting adjourned 8pm.

PUBLIC HEARING continued USDA rural development for proposed sewer project.
One question, no comments closed out 4-0.

Sherri - opposed to driving over curbs, charging, to park in yard. Need volunteers Sunday August 28th after TASTE OF TACOMA for cleanup.
Lea- thanks mayor Bruce Hopkins for taking job of Mayor and doing a wonderful job.
Jeremy- work crew from Remann Hall on last Sunday finished painting 15 curbs. Will be back this Sunday. Red is for NO PARKING and will be strictly enforced.

Ordinance No. 1278 - Private Alarm Services
David (Town attorney) need to table, will take some time.
Motion to continue until June 15th passes 3-2 (Mayor being tie breaker 2-2 vote)
Ordinance 1280 - Off leash areas
Dan- no PEND table to New Business when ready and added to agenda.
Motion to remove passes 4-0.
Ordinance 1285 - Emergency Response Expense
David- response to question maximum charge for DUI is $1,000 dollars per WA state law.
Passes 4-0.
Ordinance 1286 - Fireworks
Wayne motion to approve, Dan second (later withdrawn)
Jim- confusion,
.need Fire Chief recommendation
.$1,000 permit fee not feasible
.Commercial street, out of hand because of illegal fireworks (agrees with Dan)
Dan- how many fire chiefs support fireworks? Many jurisdictions have none.
David- must act soon to be effective next year.
Wayne- need to pass can change later.
Motion to table until next meeting passes 4-0.

Ordinance No. 1287 - Provide Indemnification of Mayor, Council members and Town Employees (1st reading)
David- need to take a closer look at Gig Harbor ordinance.
Bradley- Will Gig Harbor ordinance be available at next meeting?
.five (5) days notice too short time wise, ten days better.
.What about insurance carrier coverage, does town pay?
.Insurance will pay and defend is covered.
.Also attorney defending town has veto power over council/
Dan- emphasize quickly. If on vacation can be served at home. Town clerk and attorney may not get notification.
Ordinance No. 1288 - amending Town's traffic code (1st reading)
Ordinance No. 1289 - amending Town's Parking code (1st reading)
Town Planner Rob- overview,
.residential parking restricted not using excessive space.
.commercial vehicles in residential zone prohibited.
.no blocking of driveways
.gives town authority to issue parking permits
Wayne- magnet high school on park land will use twenty (20) percents of TASTE OF TACOMA parking.
Bruce- parking permits can be issued for assigned areas.
Resolution No. 444 - Accepting a right-of-way deed for emergency vehicle turnaround (Baumgardner)
Rob-.previously Ordinance No.s 1172 and 1200 height variance and fire truck turnaround on private property.
.Right-of-Way dedication to be signed.
.Town engineer approved.
Jim- move for adoption, Bradley second
Bradley- Hammerhead turnaround approved by planning commission. Not giving blanket approval for twenty (20) homes.
Rob- parcels already existing. Boundary line adjustment gives council veto power.
Bradley- number of houses?
Rob- parcels already approved.
Passes 4-0.


Continued next blog: ELEEMOSYNARY

Town of Ruston officials:
Mayor, Bruce Hopkins
Council, Bradley Huson, Jim Hedrick, Wayne Stebner, Dan Albertson, Jane Hunt
Attorney, David Britton
Planner, Rob White
Clerk/Treasurer, Karen Carlisle