Monday, June 1, 2009


Ruston town council regular meeting June 1, 2009 7pm:

Believe it one hour meeting adjourned 8pm.

PUBLIC HEARING continued USDA rural development for proposed sewer project.
One question, no comments closed out 4-0.

Sherri - opposed to driving over curbs, charging, to park in yard. Need volunteers Sunday August 28th after TASTE OF TACOMA for cleanup.
Lea- thanks mayor Bruce Hopkins for taking job of Mayor and doing a wonderful job.
Jeremy- work crew from Remann Hall on last Sunday finished painting 15 curbs. Will be back this Sunday. Red is for NO PARKING and will be strictly enforced.

Ordinance No. 1278 - Private Alarm Services
David (Town attorney) need to table, will take some time.
Motion to continue until June 15th passes 3-2 (Mayor being tie breaker 2-2 vote)
Ordinance 1280 - Off leash areas
Dan- no PEND table to New Business when ready and added to agenda.
Motion to remove passes 4-0.
Ordinance 1285 - Emergency Response Expense
David- response to question maximum charge for DUI is $1,000 dollars per WA state law.
Passes 4-0.
Ordinance 1286 - Fireworks
Wayne motion to approve, Dan second (later withdrawn)
Jim- confusion,
.need Fire Chief recommendation
.$1,000 permit fee not feasible
.Commercial street, out of hand because of illegal fireworks (agrees with Dan)
Dan- how many fire chiefs support fireworks? Many jurisdictions have none.
David- must act soon to be effective next year.
Wayne- need to pass can change later.
Motion to table until next meeting passes 4-0.

Ordinance No. 1287 - Provide Indemnification of Mayor, Council members and Town Employees (1st reading)
David- need to take a closer look at Gig Harbor ordinance.
Bradley- Will Gig Harbor ordinance be available at next meeting?
.five (5) days notice too short time wise, ten days better.
.What about insurance carrier coverage, does town pay?
.Insurance will pay and defend is covered.
.Also attorney defending town has veto power over council/
Dan- emphasize quickly. If on vacation can be served at home. Town clerk and attorney may not get notification.
Ordinance No. 1288 - amending Town's traffic code (1st reading)
Ordinance No. 1289 - amending Town's Parking code (1st reading)
Town Planner Rob- overview,
.residential parking restricted not using excessive space.
.commercial vehicles in residential zone prohibited.
.no blocking of driveways
.gives town authority to issue parking permits
Wayne- magnet high school on park land will use twenty (20) percents of TASTE OF TACOMA parking.
Bruce- parking permits can be issued for assigned areas.
Resolution No. 444 - Accepting a right-of-way deed for emergency vehicle turnaround (Baumgardner)
Rob-.previously Ordinance No.s 1172 and 1200 height variance and fire truck turnaround on private property.
.Right-of-Way dedication to be signed.
.Town engineer approved.
Jim- move for adoption, Bradley second
Bradley- Hammerhead turnaround approved by planning commission. Not giving blanket approval for twenty (20) homes.
Rob- parcels already existing. Boundary line adjustment gives council veto power.
Bradley- number of houses?
Rob- parcels already approved.
Passes 4-0.


Continued next blog: ELEEMOSYNARY

Town of Ruston officials:
Mayor, Bruce Hopkins
Council, Bradley Huson, Jim Hedrick, Wayne Stebner, Dan Albertson, Jane Hunt
Attorney, David Britton
Planner, Rob White
Clerk/Treasurer, Karen Carlisle

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