Friday, August 21, 2009


Ruston Town Council meeting August 17, 2009 7pm:

Ho hum, another EXECUTIVE SESSION everyone out into the street except for our exalted rulers and the Tacoma cabal, of course. Almost routine now with the plethora of lawsuits and the anti-personnel environment which pervades this council.

Study session preceded regular session "Discussion of Town Street Lighting".
Caught the last half hour but the session rambled off into SEWERS et al. Let's face it these study session seem to lead nowhere but promises and "let's go find a GRANT"! In the real world it's "What did we do"? Voted our largest taxpayer out of business because we didn't like his sign. Gosh, we wouldn't need a GRANT if we were still getting the $30 thousand dollars each year in gambling taxes $150,000 five years.

Duh, were not dumber than dumb just less smart. But we'll pull the wool over the eyes of those GRANT people and cover our losses. Good luck on that one: Attention GRANT people!

But wait it gets worse. The POINT DEFIANCE CAFE AND CASINO lawsuit was bumped and has to be rescheduled two months down the line. You don't hear a peep in the council or from the Mayor on the exploding expenses on this lawsuit. No budget impact statement no financial analysis statement, just silence. Apparently the Town of Ruston's legal expenses on this lawsuit are buried in CLAIMS AND PAYROLLS and routinely approved. Legal costs to the Town estimated at $50 thousand dollars so far and an additional $20 thousand dollars for the do over.

The only peep you will hear is from the RUSTON INSIDER. DO YOU CARE, DOES ANYBODY CARE? The DECIDERS in the Town apparently are in play with this huge expenditure, apparently off budget, and so far have refused an almost zero cost to the Town settlement and brushed off the arbitration process and spend whatever it takes on the road to bankruptcy. TACOMA OR BUST has been their ultimate goal and nobody stands in their way.

What has all this to do with the regular council meeting well I only stayed through GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENTS and then departed there being only one issue on the agenda:
BUSINESS Resolution 453 To change the hours of the standard work week for Town Employees

Yah more like MONKEY BUSINESS. Employees plural is disingenuous. this is aimed at only one employee the Town Clerk/Treasurer who has been subjected to the wrath of the cabal for three and one half years after she correctly quoted a very vengeful council person and was forced to remove the correct quote and insert a false entry into the minutes of that meeting.

One GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT Lyle Hardin - Thanked the Council for allowing him to go the AWC (Association of Washington Cities)Budget Session and especially Jane Hunt for getting him enrolled on a scholarship, coordinating and arriving on time.
Also has friend Associate Engineer who will provide lights, we install, doing project now.

Why don't the LAME DUCK TACOMA DUO give up and retire early. We need the new Ruston friendly attitude on the Council which is coming soon but not soon enough.

EXECUTIVE SESSION potential litigation
Sound familiar? Vellein's into the street wet and cold.

Here is a link to Karen's Council Meeting August 17, 2009 post.

Town of Ruston officials:
Mayor, Bruce Hopkins
Council, Bradley Huson, Jim Hedrick, Wayne Stebner, Dan Albertson, Jane Hunt
Attorney, David Britton
Planner, Rob White
Clerk/Treasurer, Karen Carlisle
Fire Chief, Don Torbet
Police Chief, Jeremy Kunkel


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Has anyone done a PDR for the actual expense attrubited to Mr. Britton on trials and legal expense? Is he going to exceed the female misfit lawyer we had a couple of years ago? You are right Jim, we do waste money or maybe some get kickbacks???