Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Town of Ruston, WA regular council meeting Jan. 19, 2010 at 7:07 pm:

A 35 minute session. This is quite a bit different Ruston council than the last one. Civility and equanimity are the order of the day. No more diatribes, monologues they are now a thing of the past. All is serene and a down to business attitude. Getting things done is now the main priority.
Construction will start soon on the new light poles and installation of the new sewer system. Ruston has a better than most financial status due to the sale of land to the Commencement.


Jeremy Kunkel, Police Chief
. Read a list of violations
. Police car in accident has been fixed
. Responding to a question grants are for equipment not money.
Don Torbet, Fire Chief
.Jeremy and I attended funeral for fallen officer
. Out poring of police was impressive
. New firefighters coming on board
. Involved in protecting The Commencement
. Commencement bought Knox Box and installed it one master key
. Commencement re keyed all locks for one master key at substantial cost
. Also have elevator key. Three keys for entire building.
. National average eight minutes to respond to fire
. In Ruston one minute
. State allows one minute to change clothes
. Time is from dispatch to arrival on scene minus one minute
. Ruston is under one minute so minute not deducted
Lyle - Complements both chiefs on their uniforms
. Fire chief has five stripes Police chief three stripes on sleeve

Agenda item No. 1 - Ordinance 1304 Repealing Chapter 1.12 RMC (Ruston Municipal Code)
Bradley - Don't have this, two versions.
Lyle - Numbers are incorrect
Bradley/Jim motion to approve, second
David -
. Set forth entire internal Employee policy.
. This new version repeals old, gets rid of ambiguity
Jane - If we take out of Ordinance still available to public
David - Yes. like any Resolution it is available
Lyle -
. After quick review, description of employee Internet use in there
. Everything in old in new?
David - Cannot certify.
passes 5-0
Agenda item No. 2 - Ordinance 1305 - Amending RMC 19.01.110 amd RMC 1.14.050 to provide separate fee and permit review ... (first reading)
David -
. First two versions not correct, my fault.
. I added separate enforcement provision
. Building permit, apply, no no mechanism for enforcement
. Fines, jail time not enforceable
. Cost recovery only
Bruce - $10,000 due. I am playing bill collector.
Lyle - Is this a common way of doing this?
David -
. Yes, under our statute we have jurisdiction
. Cannot put off on Superior Court
. No mechanism for enforcement
Lyle - When does this go into effect
David - When fees late they are collectible
Bruce - Using short order
Jim - No court costs. If significant we cannot recover?
David - No way. Reasonable costs only. Else considered tax.


. Sewer lines. Jerry Morissette told me construction fees are coming on us.
. Need to look at laterals, cost, how we pay.
. BIAS in process of taking over
. Taking me three weeks with Mariah's help
. Bureaucratic maze, online checking
. Costs us $50 a month, unresponsive
. Need to take a look at new bank
. Regarding Study Session - Video Imaging
. Passionate about this, need volunteers
. Cost $66,000 can knock off $15,000
. Encourage council to consider
. Rob and planners can use
. Welcome to digital world

Bradley -
. JJ asked for stay Point Ruston presentation until February 1 Regular Council meeting
. Moved to Columbia Bank, they bend over backwards to help
. In Olympia every day
. Asarco settlement $188 million dollars came through
. Money is in jeopardy to be used for other purposes
. Our legislative delegation needs to protect money or will be used for other
. Please contact your legislators and ask for funds to be used for intended purposes!
Jane -
. Ongoing saga of utility tax
. Company tracks utility taxes, Washington state the worst
. Citizen called why not on bill? Will be on in February.
Lyle -
. Need ideas for Mayoral assignment on computer systems
. Contact me by email if you can help
. Jane helped out on copier
. Several items pending

At 7:42 meeting ended for 30 minute EXECUTIVE SESSION

Town of Ruston officials:
Mayor, Bruce Hopkins
Council, Bradley Huson, Jim Hedrick, Deborah Kristovich, Lyle Hardin, Jane Hunt
Attorney, David Britton
Planner, Rob White
Clerk/Treasurer, Myriah Mesa
Fire Chief, Don Torbet
Police Chief, Jeremy Kunkel
Electrician, Mo Fesharaki
Engineer, Jerry Morissette

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