Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Ruston, WA regular council meeting Monday August 2, 2010 7 pm:

Jim- Time to reinstate Casino banked card games and $30 thousand dollars per year to Town of Ruston in taxes. Time to restore 35-40 jobs lost due to illegal actions by the Town. Point Defiance Cafe and Casino is on Pearl street a major thoroughfare with traffic in and out not affecting residents. Time to do what is right.
Note: Unable to comment on Ordinance 1316 but have plenty for next council meeting.
Beth- Cole building is a fire hazard. What is status?
Edith- Big gravel truck (sewer project) went down Winnifred street with one wheel driving on center median. Needs to stop.

Agenda item #1- Jerry Morrissette - Budget amendment for the Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project
Jerry- Request authority to hire Geo Tech. Need to identify soil issues with sewer project in contract plus policy to protect Town.
In original budget always intended to be. If you approve this will have paperwork by next meeting to revise budget. We will monitor contractor and invoices coming in.
Provided budget $12,945
Traffic control $ 1,000
Ten percent for overrun
Total $15,350 additional GEO TECH services.

Agenda item #2- Ordinance 1316 Amending Ch. 502 of the RMC to prohibit Social Card Games within the Town of Ruston... (second reading)
. I am prime sponsor of this to bring certainty to Town and to the Casino.
. Public testimony tonight, public process this time (Note: There was no public testimony.)
.Have taken public testimony twice.
.Voters decide, let the chips fall where they may.
. Tax was not proper route moratorium is proper.
. We are not eliminating any activity going on at current time.
. Not losing any revenue.
. Close business in heart of business district. Don't need any vacant business spaces.
. I am voting for this tonight.

Note: Specious argument "Not losing any revenue." At $30 thousand dollars per year lost in taxes after illegal tax increase passed forcing gambling business to close down Town is losing $30 thousand dollars per year in gambling taxes or $60 thousand dollars over last two years. This loss does not include huge legal fees or settling any claims against the town or class-action lawsuits for damages.

. As currently drafted Section one goes away with previous section.
. Need to move to strike Section one and pass as amended.
Lyle- Leave when amended after election in in November.
David- Need to take tax increase off of books.
. Voting for it.
. Progress on raising gambling tax on agenda February through April.
. Testimony taken from Casino and Town.

Note: Not exactly. Testimony at trial showed only one nine minute monologue involving only one former council person during a study session no public comment allowed. One of Judges closing points was that there was no public input at all and none by the Point Defiance and Casino. Only reference to a letter to the council and E-mails.

Jim- strike section one and renumber all remaining sections.
Ord. 1316 passes as amended 5-0.

Agenda item #3- Resolution 477 - Requesting that the Pierce County Auditor call a special election for the Town of Ruston, to be held on November 2, 2010, and place Town of Ruston referendum measure No. 1 on the Special election ballot

David- Volunteers, statement. Tonight is deadline to get this done.
Lyle- Cost to Town for special election? Vote required a simple majority.
passes 5-0.

Agenda item #4- Resolution 478 approve Jerry Morrissette budget request for $15,350 for additional Geo Tech services (added to agenda)
Jim- Spending money requires budget approval.
Jerry- Contracting directly with Geo Tech we oversee. Engineering budget previously provided for.
passes 5-0.

Note: Ironic but $15 thousand dollar request was half of annual gambling tax previously paid by Point Defiance Cafe and Casino.


Note: waste of time? Can only hear some of the speakers some of the time. Public comments at microphone come in loud and clear. Hopkins some of the time. Hedrick and Hardin are clear. Hunt and Huson speak low and softly difficult to hear at times. Britton too far back cannot hear. Don't take anything literally but did the best I could.
Town provided speaker which made sound better but still not up to normal hearing as required by ADA.


Town of Ruston officials:
Mayor, Bruce Hopkins
Council, Bradley Huson, Jim Hedrick, Deborah Kristovich, Lyle Hardin, Jane Hunt
Attorney, David Britton
Planner, Rob White
Clerk/Treasurer, Myriah Mesa
Fire Chief, Don Torbet
Police Chief, Jeremy Kunkel
Electrician, Mo Fesharaki
Engineer, Jerry Morrissette

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