Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Ruston town council meeting 9-15-08:

Obstruct and attack seems to the only purpose of the woesome twosome for remaining on the council. Moving forward Daniel, our favorite barrister, intoned you need four votes for a Town Administrator reminding our courageous Mayor pro tem Bradley Huson that the necessary votes to pass would not be forthcoming. Wayne in his most manly portrayal let loose a bristling broadside on the Town Clerk because the Minutes of Previous Meetings were delayed.

The Town Clerk, God Bless, gave a summary of the need for a town administrator that was brilliant showing what a treasure she is. Unfortunately for some on the council she is BC tainted, before cabal. This didn't set well with Wayne who is partially responsible that the Town Clerks office being underpaid, understaffed and overworked, an impossible situation.

This all goes back to the Dan and Wayne feud with the former Mayor Michael Transue where they pursued a scorched earth policy towards the Town in order to hamstring the Mayor. Sound familiar with what went on at this Monday meeting with this Mayor. More later.

Things started smoothly with:

Item 1 - Tim Burtron explaining the need to upgrade the Town's lighting standards with replacement poles conforming to Point Ruston/Stack Hill standards. Dan voiced concern about underground wiring and paving on the alley behind Commencement street.

Item 2 - Ruston Park doggie bags was the main point with volunteer cleanup. Wayne wanted fence installed to keep dogs separate from children. Good luck.

Item 3- Ordinance 1265 on Codification of Ruston Municipal Code second reading, passed 5-0 with many compliments to Sally Everding for a very successful effort and donating her time saving the town $7,000 dollars. Outstanding.

Item 4 - Tree Committee report to be presented later.

Item 5 - Sewer System - study and scope of work sponsored by Wayne. Question of the Day: If we are to be annexed to Tacoma why bother? RFP to Town Planner for study. There was talk of including storm sewers, treatment of outfall into the Bay. Call for Department of Ecology to investigate. Beware a water filtration plant may be required, better call for EARMARK to the rescue. Shoreline fund, Harbor Improvement fund and Sewer reserve fund total almost $800,000. That is enough for studies, whatever and maybe a down payment.

Item 6 - Ordinance 1266, Rental of Town property, community center, park. All permits to be approved by Mayor, Business District and Seniors considered official function which have priority. There was a question on the length of the Commencement lease? When written it was for 500 years, 498 to go.

Item 7 - TOWN ADMINISTRATOR potential budget - this is where things went haywire and it was Dan and Wayne vs. Town of Ruston. Why are these two even on the council? No hesitation Dan states four votes required, you do not have votes. We are in a financial straight jacket. Yah, Point Defiance Casino suing for 9.7 million big ones. Taxing them out of business, distressed over their sign. Where will funds come from, $75 to 90,000 salary? Dan, Dan how about a memory improvement course, remember a full time Town Administrator was a cost saving over the former Mayor's $200 per hour part time TA. Special Legal Counsel said four votes only required if money was to be moved between funds or was emergency appropriation. Dan would not let up it has been a disastrous year. Wayne wanted to know why full time TA was required.

The Dan and Wayne show continued we need alternatives, discussions with Tacoma. When a Rustonian from the public seats asked if he was alluding to ANNEXATION Dan got upset at being talked to during agenda time, mentioning public comments. Jane interjected, I can ask the question: "Are you referring to annexation to Tacoma"? Answer still forthcoming but obviously the two Tacoma cabal guys would like serious discussions with Tacoma and goodbye to Ruston as a town.

During council time Dan continued venting: personal animosity, secret meetings, ex parte contact, conflict, all undermining the town. Dan listen to the Town clerk: we need help, a central focus. God forbid such reasonableness should intrude on the Dan and Wayne show.

All the positives for a TA, grant writing, focused attention, need for professional help, seemed to add up to big time cost savings for the Town and Karen's stirring plea for facing our problems and forging ahead seemed to pass over the BANANAs:

Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything.



Anonymous said...

Well done James.Well done!
The CAVE people are jelous

Anonymous said...
