Thursday, October 9, 2008


Ruston council meeting October 6, 2008 at 7 pm:

Agenda item 5 - Discussion about mayor pro tem

Items 4 through 7 were Dan A.s personal STUDY SESSION which we were all forced to endure.

Item 5 was a "Don Quixote" attack on Mayor pro tem Bradley Huson by our very own Daniel reminiscent of the attacks on Mayor Michael Transue which led to his resignation. Mr. Huson came off as the adult in this skirmish and demonstrated a courtliness all of us should admire.

Daniel, with a smile, imitating a whirling dervish tilting at windmills launched into a verbal assault on the number of hours Bradley was spending as mayor. Full time it turned out outside of his permanent job and eight hours on his day off, including Saturday and Sunday. We need two more just like you Brad and more and more appreciate the wisdom of former council person Mary Joyce in recognizing your accomplishments and dedication earlier than most of us. Remember Dan and Wayne were glad handing that award. What happened Dan?

The now familiar inquisition started. Are you spending eight hours? How much time to town business? What is not being done? Getting down to business we need a full time mayor and I am nominating my sidekick buddy Wayne Stebner, alias Sancho. Both smiling Wayne added I am available, willing and able, and I could take over right now if you resigned.

These two pro Tacoma council persons obviously have a grand plan in mind and can't wait to start implementing it. The view corridor on lot 12 STACK HILL seems to be their immediate target. We voted it down running around with our hair on fire he continued. Dan, lot 12 never belonged to the town so we couldn't give it away. It was taken illegally and now is being given back legally through the planning commission which had an open and thorough hearing into the matter.

How low can we go in Ruston, Wayne Stebner our full time mayor? The same Wayne who turned down the mayor pro tem position when it was offered to him previously as senior council person. Squire Sancho at your service. Bradley Huson, the withering attack notwithstanding, was firm in his determination to serve RUSTON until October 31st.

I implore all of you and anybody who will listen to apply for the Mayoral position and save the town this ignominy.

Essayons et faisons. More later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Ruston Fire Deparment will probably support Wayne - N O T !!!