Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Ruston Council Meeting Monday Oct. 20, 2008 7pm:

Agenda item 1 - Discussion of Mayor Appointment

Michael, oh Michael where are you? When we need you most? Your worst adversaries have been stalemated, relegated to backbiting and the disloyal opposition.

A spirited discussion with the animated Dan Albertson leading off with a motion to appoint Wayne Stebner "only applicant, no negatives, works harder, above and beyond, truly improved reputation of Town, kept cool during trying times!"

Jim Hedrick - we need a public process. Have been shutout of of process for last three Mayoral appointments and we also need public input. Set a hard date to apply and extend Mayor pro tem Bradley Huson.

David Britton, Special Legal Counsel, when asked length of time a mayor pro tem can serve replied four months, must be working towards a permanent Mayor. Yah, four in nine months, not so permanent.

Jane Hunt we need to publish request for Mayoral applicants one more time, publish notice in next Town bulletin. Extend deadline to Nov. 12th. Wanted Mayor pro tem Huson's service extended to hiring of new Mayor. And a plea "We must work together".

Jim Hedrick corrected Special Legal Counsel regarding Mayor pro tem servitude: it is six months.

Dan Albertson (sorry, can't read my own writing on this comment).

Wayne Stebner those who haven't applied by now are not eligible! I should be appointed.

Jane Hunt absolutely not, you were offered the job and turned it down stating you did not have the time.

Dan Albertson surprise candidate sitting in this room! (never identified) Jane Hunt stated she had heard of one applicant in waiting. When Wayne Stebner demanded name be revealed he got Jane's response "none of your business!"

Dan Albertson's motion to appoint Wayne Stebner was voted down after a second only to bring it to a vote. A Council vote was taken to set deadline for applications to Nov. 12th with interviews on Nov. 14th and a final vote on new mayor set for regular council meeting Nov. 17th passing 3-2 (Dan and Wayne voting no).

Wayne Stebner demanded to know cost of staff time and was informed there was none. It would be handled by the Council. Where is Dan when you needed him?

Jim Hedrick I am tired of being blindsided on these Mayoral appointments, let's do it right and get public involvement.

Bradley Huson got in the last word "I will apply and if elected give up my Council position." BRAVO, Bradley you have the Town heading in the right direction and are most deserving. Your courage and strength in the face of blatant attacks are to be commended. BRAVO!

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