Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Ruston, WA regular town council meeting Monday July6, 2009 7:30 pm

after the almost obligatory EXECUTIVE SESSION re: personnel and legal issues

Most details on business covered by Karen: Council Meeting Quick Notes at Ruston Home blogspot.

One interesting to do, internecine squabble by the Tacoma Annexation Twins: the Dan and Wayne show on making life as miserable as possible for the rest of the Council and thereby the people of Ruston.

Ordinance 1292 - Amending the Town's COM-P Zone by increasing the allowable building height (1st reading)

Fairly innocuous on its face and seemingly routine after thorough study by the Planning Commission and a letter of recommendation by the staff that the Town Council approve the attached ordinance as presented.

Jim made an amendment to bypass first reading and pass as second final reading. Vote on amendment 3-2 Dan and Wayne voting no.
Dan immediately objected stating amendment required four votes, majority plus one, to pass.
Wayne chimed in before he finished "yes, that's right."
Bruce (Mayor) asks Town Attorney for clarification.
David (Town Attorney) approves passage of the amendment.
Dan (speaking directly to David) advises him his approval was in error as he wrote the original code.
David reverses himself based on Dan's testimony and on Legislative intent.

Second reading will happen at Regular Town Council meeting July 20, 2009.

Full text of the INTRODUCTION:

"In reviewing a recent request for a height variance for a redevelopment project within the COM-P zone it became apparent to the Planning Commission and the Town Council that the current building height limitation of 35 feet may not be high enough to accomplish the intent of the COM-P zone and the Commercial and Housing goals of the Comprehensive Plan. As a result the Town Council directed the staff to submit an amendment to increase the maximum building height of the COM-P zone for Planning Commission review and recommendation.

On June 10, 2009 the Planning Commission held a public hearing and then voted in favor of the code changes depicted in the attached ordinance."

Note: The Town Council directed the staff...

Perfunctory or? The proof lies in the details TOWN OF RUSTON ORDINANCE 1292 and Memorandum attached:

Note at the end "except that structures located between 50th Street and 52nd Street shall have additional height allowed so that no structure shall exceed 45 feet in height and no more than 3 stories, including all mechanical equipment.

Remember when a previous cabal council after accepting a $30 thousand dollar grant overrode the Planning Commission and reduced the height limit to 35 feet. Members of that Planning Commission now serve on the Town Council and intend to right a wrong.

Remember this COM-P zone includes Pearl Street 50th to 52nd street. Located at 5037 N. Pearl The Point Defiance Cafe and formerly Casino. Remember the Cabal didn't like their sign and wanted it removed? Remember the Casino won an out of court settlement from the Ruston Connection and the wife of a sitting Town Council member?

Thereafter a 16 percent, fourfold tax increase was introduced, reduced to 12 percent, was passed targeting the Point Defiance Cafe and Casino closing down the Casino and putting 30 employees out of work and costing the Town of Ruston $30 thousand dollars annually in taxes paid by the Town's largest taxpayer. This was passed as an emergency measure bypassing second reading no public testimony was allowed.

Get it now? It's THE CASINO!!! Wouldn't look good to the Judge now would it?

Tomorrow 9am:
DEPT 05 - JUDGE HOGAN (Rm. 2-C )

9:00 Motion - Summary Judgment
Scheduled By: JOAN MELL

or goes to trial August 13, 2009 same time same place.

$950 thousand clams riding on this one enough to pay for most of the first phase of sewer replacement or all of the new street lighting.
Post motion results by noon Friday if all goes as scheduled.

Town of Ruston officials:
Mayor, Bruce Hopkins
Council, Bradley Huson, Jim Hedrick, Wayne Stebner, Dan Albertson, Jane Hunt
Attorney, David Britton
Planner, Rob White
Clerk/Treasurer, Karen Carlisle

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My understanding is that AWC, the insurance pool is not backing Ruston on the casino case. If this in fact is true, does that mean if Ruston looses the Town goes away? Or just becomes one big casino?