Thursday, July 9, 2009


Ruston, WA regular council meeting July 6, 2009 cont.,

A sham or just going through the motions, always weird.


not usually covered here but the rote antics of the Dan and Wayne show hit a new laughable stage today.
Jim- to David (Town Attorney) asking about $26 hundred dollar item submitted by David regarding Point Ruston challenge?
David - we were sued, defending ourselves.
Jim - Why bill the Town and not Point Ruston? How much was total billing costs?
David - attended a three day hearing, 20 hours. Cannot be specific at this time.
Passes 3-2 Wayne and Dan voting NO on paying CLAIMS AND PAYROLL.

What makes this so interesting? The person they do not want to pay is the attorney Dan hired as SPECIAL LEGAL COUNSEL bypassing the then mayor whom he had issues with. His neighbor he wants to stiff.

.Personnel department had first meeting. All Town employees in one room. The goal: to improve communications so all could be aware what the others are doing. Rob is the middle man not the Mayor. Meetings will take place once a week.
.Thanks Jane for attending AWC conference. Admission was free of charge.
.Excited about sewer prospects for phase one. Loan applications have been declined by two banks. Turns out a good thing opens us up for a 40 year low interest USDA loan. Will look for free money for other sewer phases.
.We are 3rd or 4th in line for loans, phases 1 and 2.
.Need study session on sewers Town Engineer Jerry Morisette to attend. Either Monday or Thursday.
.Last, need volunteer help moving kitchen donated by the Commencement to the bathroom area. Commencement center improvements need approval by the Council. Will have a first class meeting room which can also be rented out. Plumbing and electrical work are largest expense. Estimated price around $14 hundred dollars. Need feeds for double oven and refrigerator. Requires a licensed contractor.

.We have a crisis. Citizens will pay $10 dollars per month phase one sewers eventually increasing to $40 dollars per month when other phases are started plus engineering costs.
.I want to use the surplus property fund to subsidize sewers, transfer $3.5 million dollars to sewer fund. Street lights also need attention and may fall down at any time.
Bruce - regarding street lights: AWC talks to DOE engineering ready for bid. Need green energy criteria for CTAD to approve.
Wayne - I totally support using surplus in Electrical fund for street lights. Fund is 12 years old.
Bruce - Yes, need help it is a balancing act between grants and free money.
.Pay $40 dollars maximum utility (sewer) costs.
.Was out of Town on fourth of July but found fireworks devices in my yard.
Bruce - Fire and Police did magnificent job patrolling Ruston was quiet. Prior years were brutal, Tacoma was mayhem.
Bradley - nothing.
Dan - We should give consideration to Ruston Farmer's Market. Council should facilitate.
Bruce - hold on Commercial street.
Jim -
.Impressed with Fire and Police on duty during the Fourth. All police officers were on duty.
.Fourth of July Parade was a fabulous success. Forty to fifty kids were involved and had a great time.
.TASTE OF TACOMA was a POWDER KEG. We need to change how traffic flow is handled. I would not advise anybody to go down there in the evening.
Bruce -
.Branches on trees broken off, rock throwing. No benefit whatsoever to Town of Ruston.
..We need to shut Town off, parking by permit only, no access.
.It was a very disturbing environment.
Bradley - Businesses losing money enter only to use restrooms. Had to close down.
Jane -
.Attended 2009 AWC Conference in Spokane. Last year was in Yakima.
.Fee was $275 dollars and they were very happy to see people from Ruston. Bruce also attended.
.Will have Budgeting class in Tacoma this August three days. An overview, available to small towns and cities at no cost.
.Major topic when recovery comes from current recession things will never be the same. We need seven days labor costs in a reserve fund.
.We need a written policy to borrow fund, fund transfers. One fund may not benefit another fund.
.Need to analyze budget where we are. Budget review mandated by state. Need to compare 2009 to 2008 analyze differences.
.Leadership assembly. Need to scrutinize Open Meetings records to do the right thing and have way to archive.
.We are in worst decline since 1946. This is a serious decline. Third quarter slow and through the coming year.
.We need survey for low income areas to qualify for grant money for sewers.
.Need to set water rates so large users pay more. Do not force senior citizens out of their homes.
AWC conference was very educational, very diligent.
Bruce - regarding lawsuit on water mains if Tacoma prevails we get our money back. (Sunday The News Tribune front page.

Note: So much for purloining the Surplus property fund. This is money from the Commencement for a land purchase. The same despised Commencement the Cabal came to power on presenting as Public Enemy number one.

Town of Ruston officials:
Mayor, Bruce Hopkins
Council, Bradley Huson, Jim Hedrick, Wayne Stebner, Dan Albertson, Jane Hunt
Attorney, David Britton
Planner, Rob White
Clerk/Treasurer, Karen Carlisle


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