Friday, November 20, 2009


Karen Carlisle has resigned effective December 1st. Karen served the Town reaching nine years on August 9th. She will be sorely missed and the knowledge of the Town which keeps the Council straight will be gone.

She would be well advised to sign a consultant contract with the Town for followup training and support for the new Clerk/Treasurer much like a former holder of that position Lorretta Prettyman did.

Karen reported she will miss the older citizens of the Town and loves her job but unfortunately can't take the nightmare anymore. The constant conflict and lack of support by Town officials has had an adverse affect on her health making this resignation necessary.

I was at the council meeting right after the CABAL took over four years ago and the harassment and intimidation started almost immediately. It started with a council person, in a very nasty manner, objecting to his correct comment put in the minutes and demanded it be changed. It was changed to falsify his statement.

Karen's job was threatened from the get go and held her position only with the backing of her Union. It is very sad that a devoted employee be subjected to this type of treatment right up to and including her last Ruston Council meeting November 16th.

They will soon discover that a treasure to the Town has been lost along with her significant knowledge of the Town's history. No more covering for the lack of past knowledge on the Council that doesn't like to listen to anyone but themselves.

Please stop by the Town Hall and wish her well. She has served this Town of Ruston diligently under very trying conditions.


Anonymous said...

A who's who in employee losses. Just think of the turn over in employees in the past 3 years.

Anonymous said...

The Town can now save $60,000 in salary and hire cheaper labor.