Friday, November 13, 2009


Ruston regular council meeting November 2, 2009 7 pm:

Get the full skinny on Karen's blog at Ruston Meeting:

I will pass along some comments worth mentioning.

Kevin - Regarding lights on Stack Hill. Lights inside still shine out. No dark sky. Need different fixtures. Need to look at.

Karen - Inappropriate place for myself and Council person Dan Albertson to air our differences. Bill Walker should not have been allowed to comment at Special meeting.
Dan - interrupts, you are OUT OF ORDER.
Karen - We need civil discourse in the Town.

Rick - Lights on Stack Hill too bright. Light pollution is serious issue.
Bruce - meeting 7:30 this morning.
Tom - Sent EMAIL to council.
Don - Two fire related ordinances need passing.
Mike Cohen - (developer stack Hill and Point Ruston) -
. Causing issues on lights in Ruston.
. Lights were approved by Town electrician.
. You have consultant.
. Have sympathy for Town of Rustons lack of staff.
. Tacoma has resources.
. We spend twice as much in Ruston for same things and still not satisfactory.

Note: Light is encouraged in other towns and cities as a safety issue, safe streets. Hard to figure these people what they want. Blackouts or further delay, increasing costs for Stack Hill. If I remember correctly the Council was happy for the new lights and the fact that Point Ruston/Stack Hill was paying for them and voted to use the same lights in the town proper. What gives here?

Remember, the previous council delayed Stack Hill two years ping ponging it back and forth between the Council, Planning Commission and Huitt-Zollars. When will Mr. Cohen's patience with the impeding efforts of the Town of Ruston run out? I will say it is overtime, past due and needs to be met head on in a court of law.

. Commencement light issue.
. Unapproved lights.
. Need to put at beginning of planning stage not at the end.
. Have approval on USDA loan $4.9 million dollars.
. Morrissette and Associates preparing costs.
. We have to test for arsenic when digging sewers.
. Have plan in place for what we find in dig.
. Tacoma wants new sewer agreement current expires 2013.
David - Tacoma takes over we own trunk lines.
Bruce - Point Ruston sewers owned by Ruston.
Note: I thought half of Point Ruston is in Tacoma.
. Thank you to Dan for Special meeting.
. Need to have meeting with Kevin Rochlin, EPA Project Manager, quarterly.
Note: How about a meeting with the residents and property owners in Ruston who are currently shut out of their own government.
Wayne - Praise for MO. Excellent job, proud.
Bradley - Nothing.
Jim -
. Happy with Jeremy (newly appointed Police Chief).
. USDA loan no accident, best for Town.
. Mayor expended lion's share of time worked with AWC (Association of Washington Cities).
. Bruce Hopkins is definitely the right man for the mayor's job.
Dan -
. Speed up Commencement.
. Has Point Ruston paid for our bond counsel money?
. Appearance of Kevin Rochlin, EPA.
. Not impressed by what he said.
. Goes on and on about independent lab in Seattle.
. Arsenic and lead are deadly.
. Need study in Ruston.
. People need to be very aggressive.
Note: Residents of Ruston with opposing positions not allowed to comment or testify.
So who are the people Dan refers to.
. Not enough to say "We don't know where this is coming from".
. People ingest dirt each day, every single day.

Note: yes and most have lived in the Town more than four years.
Why not have the Town spring for hand sanitizers for the Council and the Mayor. Maybe put one at the entrance too for Jobs for Justice and their adherents.
Long live Ruston and the dirt and dust which allowed me to survive healthy and strong for 75 years.

Note: CD of full meeting available in Town hall for those who want to go further than my notes. FOIA Public Records Request required

Town of Ruston officials:
Mayor, Bruce Hopkins
Council, Bradley Huson, Jim Hedrick, Wayne Stebner, Dan Albertson, Jane Hunt
Attorney, David Britton
Planner, Rob White
Clerk/Treasurer, Karen Carlisle
Fire Chief. Don Torbet
Police Chief, Jeremy Kunkel
Electrician, Mo Fesharaki


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