Monday, December 29, 2008
And the evil elf LEARFIN, the town agog.
Forming together an ominous black cloud.
Hulking over the Town, a large dark shroud.
We're surviving by the seat of our pants,
Saying our prayers, send us some grants.
We can't afford to tax ourselves,
So we'll tax Santa and the elves.
We're keeping our heads above water,
We're spending way more than we aught'r.
We're getting by on our savings and loans
And a one percent tax on our homes.
When comes November in '09,
The cloud will pierce and the sun will shine.
When the sails go up befitting the mast,
Clear sailing we will have beyond at last.
If we hold together forgetting aghast,
We will move forward, create a new past.
Leading us forward is the Commencement,
To a season of joy and merriment.
Into the future with lights aglow,
Point Ruston will headline the show.
To all a merry Christmas with Holiday cheer.
And a joyous and prosperous eclectic New Year!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Ruston regular council meeting December 22, 2008 7:17 pm.
Yes 7:17 at 7pm door was locked, no lights, no handouts. Police Chief Reese had to be called in to unlock door and hook up recorder.
Karen will return on the 29th and normalcy will return.
Agenda item No. 1 - Ordinance 1275 Silver Cloud Hotel substantial development permit (second reading)
Dan - need Town Planner (absent)
Wayne - table Ord. No. 1275 to study session Jan 5th
(Makes little sense, gone over and over, planning commission, council first reading, more delay. Why is the question?)
Agenda item No. 2 - Ordinance 1276 Salary Classification
Dan - Do we need it?
Mayor - consensus we don't need it.
Attorney - No statute requirement.
Dan - Safer not to pass, complications.
Mayor - 2008 numbers in budget.
Attorney - Union negotiations not far enough along.
Jane - Agrees with Dan serves no purpose.
Jim - possible double amendment. If same as budget why pass? Could require another meeting.
Dan - $57,678 salary for Sergeant. Does it include 2 1/2 percent merit pay? If not we need to pass budget amendment.
Attorney - You need to pass something by end of year then could amend.
Dan - Fix in January.
Mayor - based on exhibit 2009 numbers should be correct.
Jim - Let's ask the architect of the grid?
Chief Reese - Numbers got transposed in clerk's office. Salary for Officer #4 is listed at Academy rate. My recommendations not included.
Dan - recommend Jim as liaison to determine maximum police salaries. Go back to previous Ordinance. Vote no.
Brad - or withdraw.
No vote was taken so I think it was withdrawn or? Couldn't follow discussion.
(How did they get involved in this in the first place? Twenty minutes spent for naught.)
Agenda Item No. 3 - Ordinance adopting 2009 budget (second reading)
Jim - motion to approve. NO DISCUSSION. Passes 5-0.
(I was there it really happened. Another case of unanimity.)
7:38 Adjourn
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Ordinance No. 1277 - An ordinance adopting the 2009 budget:
Jim H - Makes motion to approve Ordinance 1277, Bradley second.
Dan - Revenues $572 thousand, $721 thousand for employees, $1.2 million expenses. We are approaching a cliff, transfer $500 thousand out of property fund. (Here we go again, is there anything he likes or agrees with)?
Jim H - to be revenue neutral we would have to close police, garbage, parks assuming agreement with city of Tacoma. Not feasible. Budgeting, give up utilities or Police Department. We have a choice. Not exactly.
Dan - our checks will bounce. Not covering 60 percent of expenditures.
Jane - slew of utility taxes we do not pay. We need to tax ourselves. Tacoma will have no qualms.
Attorney - We had meeting on taxes, specific on taxes.
Mayor - My budget, embarrassing but necessary. All laugh.
Wayne - utilities tax would be $1,500 per year per household. Dan previously, $1,600 per year per household.
Jane - not anywhere near $1,500 maybe $300 per year per household. We are limited on increases, need every tax revenue we have. Need to be comfortable with 2009 budget then need long term plan. Revisit in first quarter 2009.
Mayor - hard decisions. There is hope.
At 8:24 first reading accepted Ordinance 1277 Budget 2009. Final vote next council meeting Dec. 22nd, 2008.
Along the way, Interlocal Datasharing Agreement - Washington Department of Licensing approved 5-0.
Ordinance 1274 - B & O taxes approved on a 5-0 vote. No discussion, no public input.
Under REVENUES - TAXES Local retail sales, use tax -
2007 actual was 117,445,
2008 budgeted was 90,000,
2008 to date 235,199 (Commencement),
2009 proposed 100,000.
Funny how the much maligned Commencement keeps coming through for the town. Much the same as the Silver Cloud hotel will do in 2011. There are those on the council still looking to deny the occupancy permit for the Commencement. The same ones trying to stop the Silver Cloud hotel from ever being built. Remember those phantom views much like the view corridor in Stack Hill. The town has plenty of money to tide it over until Point Ruston is developed if we stick together and move forward defying the Tacoma crowd. Remember one of their planks in 2006 was ridding the town of all businesses. Apparently that includes stopping all new businesses in their tracks. Keep a stiff upper lip and we will survive well into the future.
Claims and Payroll -
Bradley - can we use funds for planning?
Attorney - not an easy question to answer. Harbor fund needs to be water related.
Approved 4-0. Wayne abstain. Remember the good old days when Wayne and Bob routinely abstained, once almost shutting the town down when they didn't show up for a vote.
Connie - are Reinhold lawsuit costs in budget? Yes. Need to look at Fire Chief's salary and increase.
Sherrie - rebuking Dan. Hideous buildings supported town, provided well paying jobs, supported families. We need to support Hotel as it will also provide jobs.
Bradley - stick around for carrot cake.
Clerk - instant correction chocolate cake.
Bradley - food bank - huge amount of food and toys, really proud of residents.
Jim H - Thanks Police chief candidates. Refers in jest to HOPKIN'S BUDGET.
Jane - thanks Chief Reese, accomplished more in less time, wonderful communicator.
Chief Reese - commentators, public and council, of all stripes and persuasions, were unanimous in their praise and acclaim for our outgoing Police Chief whose last day will be December 23rd. Her greatest achievement, in a town divided, unanimity, in their praises and well wishes. Godspeed onto your next success.
Meeting adjourned.
Stay tuned for December 22nd council meeting blog. Will Dan and Wayne agree to pay a single penny increase in their utility taxes to support the Town? Call them to find out early and comment to the rest of us.
We never seem to get very far.
Spent weeks in a numeral haze,
Round and round in a daze.
You'll be amazed at year's end.
We don't have any money to spend.
Were banking on bake sales and grants.
Meanwhile, were floating on rants.
If we can make it a couple of years,
The hotel will soothe our fears.
That's why we're shooting it down.
We need him now, the town clown.
His only friend is parsing all pence.
That's to keep us all in suspense.
Will we end up Ruston or Tacoma?
Or Pierce county still in a coma?
Ruston regular council meeting Monday December 15th, 2008 page two:
Ordinance 1276 Salary Classification budget 2009
Weird and incomprehensible, muttering and sputtering. As short as I can get it.
Council - Need to do both tonight (salary classification and budget), need second reading December 22nd council meeting (salary classification). December 22nd wins.
Dan - need more readable form. Is this part of the budget?
Clerk - Yes.
Wayne - not comfortable with this.
Dan and Wayne - refuse to make motion for approval (previous ended up in court).
Bradley - makes motion.
Jim - removes merit pay?
Clerk - fixes salaries at current levels. Everybody at current wage, top step.
Council - doesn't understand.
Clerk - salaries fixed at current salary, need budget amendment to increase.
Wayne - attacks fire department, wants budget amendment, keep us informed, wants budget reduced.
Mayor - to Wayne, to put this is perspective the budget is $700,000 out of balance, you want to go through this for $261 dollars? Wow, are his days numbered? Straight talk in Ruston?
Council - some talk of need to repeal Ordinance 1238. Not sure what for? Another red herring slowdown?
Police Chief Reese - asks permission to speak, granted. fundamental problem, removing something we spent hours doing (Ordinance 1238). My concern, we need grid for Police Department salaries. Is it necessary to repeal Ordinance 1238?
Attorney - this Ordinance (1276) seems redundant. No staff requirement.
Jane - ending confusion, let's redo this at December 22nd meeting.
Bradley - include Ordinance 1238 and supplemental budget.
Jim - motion to approve Ordinance 1276 Salary Classification first reading. Passes 5-0. Second reading December 22nd council meeting.
Public - do you get the feeling this is all done on the fly? Or are some council members having remarkable success sewing confusion. The Town Clerk, God bless her, knew the correct answer but was totally ignored. Come November 2009 we can ameliorate this balderdash and bring back sound reasoning. But it will take some pro Ruston candidates to step forward between now and then. Nineteen minutes chasing their tail in dog terms.
Sorry, Ordinance 1277 Budget 2009 next blog. I need a break. It is remarkable this goes on meeting after meeting for $30 a month. Believe me it is not the money. It's all about the Town - sink or swim. Stay tuned it gets worse.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Fire Department report, Chief Don Torbet no incidents for past month. Supports residence program, remodeling residence, provides daytime support, opportunity for people who live far away, money well spent, needs support. Response time down one minute will apply for grant to pay people.
Wayne, cuts no ice with Wayne who looked out his window and saw no car parked at residence. The same Wayne who has tried to do in the Fire Department and the Town in secret meetings with Tacoma. Remember, Beth Torbet ran for council against Wayne and the Cabal. They, the cabal, are consistent: never forgive, never forget. This was demonstrated throughout the meeting when public entreaties to increase the Fire Chiefs salary were routinely ignored. Remember they cut his pay soon after taking office in 2006.
Police Department report - introduced three candidates for replacement police chief: Michael Kendoll from North Carolina with roots here, Marsha Stril experience with Pierce county sheriff department and our very own Ruston police officer Jeremy Kunkel with nine years dedicated and devoted service to the town of Ruston. Hope I got spelling right?
Thanks civil service commission, has eight qualified candidates for one officer opening out of 11 applicants. Working with selection committee: Lyle Hardin, Jim Hedrick and sector 2 Tacoma Police officer. Will bring results to Mayor Hopkins who will make the final pick. Will prepare report on priorities to Mayor for next police chief. Final day December 23rd with all our best wishes.
Planning Department - Rob White reported on Commencement. They have building permit, no violations, should not hold up occupancy. Dan wants copy of document. Jane wants copy of letter. Wayne wants personal copy of all applications and telephone call notification of all Planning committee meetings and hearings. Remember the Cabal crowd have been after the Commencement since one member complained of noise and tearing up the street. Also they gave the town $4.2 million for the lower parking lot saving the town from bankruptcy. Unforgivable, happened BC, before Cabal, not on their watch. Never forgive, never forget.
Planning Committee report, Connie Maglione had several issues commented on need to raise Fire Chief's salary. Maybe after November 2009 Connie.
Ordinance 1275 Silver Cloud hotel substantial development permit (first reading):
Rob White, Town planner, gave the staff report. Hotels are separate from commercial development per 1974 code which clearly defines which clearly defines hotels and commercial development separately. Repeat this ten times to yourself as that was how many times it was explained to Dan who couldn't or wouldn't accept this simple thesis.
Dan - in full battle mode, torpedoes away, went on the attack grilling the town planner relentlessly. For why we wonder, for naught we got. Demands to know if anyone from Point Ruston provided input, yes, to Planning commission. Shoreline management in strong terms no building within 35 feet of shoreline. State law restricts obstructing views. Demands to know how many views obstructed.
Rob - 1974 code clearly defines Hotels separately from Commercial development.
Dan - continues attack, You are jettisoning Ruston Shoreline plan, looking solely at Point Ruston MDP, Master Development Plan, cleared away others, ignored findings of fact, not looking at criteria needed, State says other things. Wow, wonder how he is going to vote?
Wayne - comes to his aid. mistake, oversight, not to include completion of promenade as condition of occupancy permit. Rob reads to Wayne it is a condition of occupancy voted on by council and planning commission. Wayne looks very perplexed, more clarification needed.
Dan - batteries recharged back on the attack. Findings, what used to be down there, hotel is better, but not appropriate, restrictions, limitations in law. formerly HIDEOUS STRUCTURE was there not right to put another HIDEOUS STRUCTURE there (Silver Cloud hotel)? Something about statute, comparison is OK. Violates 35 foot setback, yes.
Rob - NO approved under 1974 code, hotels are separate from commercial.
Dan - ominously, we (council) make decisions right? Answer yes.
Jim - hotel five stories, 61 feet on 21 foot grade. Below grade of upper town, 105 feet.
Let's see now, this has been gone over ad nauseum. Eighty five feet using the old math is twenty feet below the grade of Ruston proper. How could any ones view be obstructed, only Dan and Wayne know the answer. Put it very simply no view is obstructed. We will wait for final result in second reading December 22nd regular council meeting. Expect the same go round in the next edition of the Dan and Wayne show. Where are they going with this. It is obvious if the do in the hotel they also do in the town of Ruston. Maybe, just maybe that is what they want? My prediction it is approved 3-2.
There is more of the Dan and Wayne show tomorrow in Budget 2009 Ordinance 1277 plus Salary classification Ordinance 1276 but it is getting late. Much more, same O same O, dire predictions, obfuscation, but never an answer or solution.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Old timers remember when there was no Ruston Way only a single railroad line. Ruston Way and Waterview Street were dredged up out of Commencement Bay. But that was before the advent of bureaucrats and their ad hoc, burdensome, do nothing regulations. They have more life expectancy than Jobs for Justice. What a misnomer.
It seems pretty simple if they are polluted pull them up using a barge and barge them to somewhere where the sun doesn't shine. How much creosote can be left after 100 years?
Five hundred thousand dollar study for what? I just did it for free. Spend the money on something useful, to the taxpayers not the bureaucrats.
Just do it!!!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008
Remember Town Hall is collecting toys for tots and for the food drive. Shake out the moths and give a little or better yet a lot. Address for town hall is 5117 N Winnifred, Ruston, WA 98407-6597. Drop off items are welcome or mail check to Town clerk. Times are tough, but some have it tougher, and town employees shouldn't have to bear the burden, but the needs are saddening.
Pretty dry working out the details. Only three council persons - Bradley, Dan and Wayne. Jane was sick and Jim out of town. So exciting only three public attendees - myself, Beth Torbet and mayor Hopkins wife. Hi lites are few, mostly humdrum:
One itemized budget item under TAXES, Gambling excise taxes:
2007 actual $37,536 2008 budget $30,000 2008 to date $16,536 2009 proposed $5,000.
Wonder why?
.Mayor - 150 hours of overtime added back in budget for Police department after discussion with Police chief. Sergeant Jeremy Kunkel working same shift as chief, overlap to help chief get organized. If Jeremy has to train them why not just give him the job and overlap goes away - budget reduction. Looking at additional $130,000 in arrears.
.Mayor - Tremendous amount of money in reserve funds, imperative we have 3-5 year plan to get organized, define what we need. future of school. Even if I wanted to cannot balance this budget. Need grants and $500,000 from transfer from trust fund, maybe more to keep operating. We are in an emergency, existence of town in the balance.
.Dan - NON-BUDGET ITEM, Point Ruston bringing in fill at night. Who is overseeing them. Need full council discussion, oversight, Town Attorney involved?
.Clerk - EPA oversees, approves.
.Public - Where is jobs for justice when we need them.
.Wayne - Fire department underfunded $350 to $400,000. Is resident fireman program best use of funds. I live across the street but never see anyone. Appreciate time volunteers put in.
.Mayor - fire department severely underfunded, glaring. Not a budget breaker. Need to talk to fire chief for long term plans. Primary concern is to keep safeguarding citizens.
.Wayne - police officers taking vehicles home. Expensive to replace. Not effective if live over five miles away, need to change policy. Specially trained people only.
.Mayor - have inter local agreement. Need mileage limitation.
.Dan - if live far away cannot respond. PRR costs are ridiculous.
Wayne - many budget items - Haul garbage to Orting, better rate? Legislative $30,000, tuition for classes, copiers, civil service ...
Clerk - no more money income from recycling, copiers are cheap- Washington government contract. Need civil service Secretary $100 per meeting may have volunteer.
.Mayor - Need CPA to help and advise on budget, are we managing properly. I cannot be CPA. Need accounting for funds, shifting funds, build up in reserves. Have couple of names for council to review.
.Attorney - Usage is pretty strict for Harbor Improvement fund. Most funds have similar restrictions.
.Mayor - additional budget $448.95 for additional five million liability insurance. Current five million will go to ten.
.Dan - five million per occurrence or one time?
.Mayor - reached agreement with Tacoma Power on utilities (no details).
.Clerk - next week meeting December 15th on budget open for public discussion.
.Attorney - budget has to be approved before end of year.
Motion to adjourn for 30 minute EXECUTIVE SESSION.
Don't forget: toys for tots and food drive.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Point Ruston Casino vs. Town of Ruston. Round two goes to the Point Defiance Cafe and Casino as judge denies Ruston request for summary judgment and case dismissal. Did it have to happen? Did approximately 35 people have to lose their jobs just before the holidays? Why would Ruston deliberately put their largest taxpayer out of the gambling business when they are undergoing a severe budget crisis and an anticipated $500,000 deficit for this year and succeeding years? Did it have to happen, you decide. To me it ranks of lunacy, self destruction.
It all started with a visit by Dan Albertson as a private citizen before being appointed to the Ruston Town council on an emergency basis (we need him right away) visiting the Casino and complaining about their sign which several citizens objected to. Then council person Wayne Stebner wants to increase their (Point Defiance Cafe and Casino) tax rate from a floating one percent to 20 percent. This is reduced to 12 percent before final vote is rushed through, no second hearing, no public input.
Point Defiance Casino through it's attorney Joan Mell asks for an injunction to delay tax increase until a trial could be held on the merits. This is where it stops making sense. Ruston does not provide certified copies, only a tape, which the judge refused to accept as it required transcribing. So it comes down to this Ruston town attorney David Britton needs to stipulate YES that the vote in the council was 3-1. The town attorney conversed with Dan Albertson for over an hour before the motion was heard. Town attorney for Ruston refuses to stipulate YES so injunction is denied and rescheduled two months later.
Point Defiance Cafe and Casino closes it's gambling business the next day. Thirty five people are without jobs. Ruston loses $20,000 gambling tax per year, $100,000 over five years. Not a budget saver but a significant hit to the towns income. According to the Morning News Tribune taxes were averaging $1,600 per month, from a low of $700 to over $3,000 a month. Dan Albertson asks at next council meeting if Casino has paid 12 percent rate from time of passage in council to closing. Answer is yes, into a trust account.
This is the same duo who now want to hire a consultant to look over the town's budget process? Their mantra is grants, grants and more grants. They are adamant that taxes will not be increased? You really have to wonder whose interest they are pursuing? What is their aim, their goal. A town without businesses, a bedroom community, a neighborhood like so many others in Pierce County. Come out and say so, tell us - enough weaseling.
Town is now pretty much the Dan and Wayne show. All of you council persons who are enablers, what about your oath of office? Are you ashamed, do you have any shame, any of you? Any conscience? As for the rest of us fighting an uphill battle against an entrenched cabal we must keep fighting even if it means going down with the ship to end this tyranny.
The town attorney David Britton is a good man who has fallen under the spell of Dan Albertson and needs to free himself and start reporting to the mayor and the whole council.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays from Ruston.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
- Ruston School and land including leases awarded to Casino
- Ruston will have to lease community center and council meeting room and Police station
- Ruston Town Hall awarded to Casino
- Ruston will have to lease it back, lease back fire Department area
- Fireman's residence (house) awarded to Casino, Ruston lease back
- Fire engine, police cars, maintenance area and equipment awarded to Casino, lease back
- $4.2 million in trust (Commencement land sale) awarded to Point Defiance Cafe and Casino
- Anything else the Town owns, fax machine, office equipment to Casino, buy back or sold
If a settlement is negotiated the Town may have to choose between the $4.2 million dollars or the Ruston School and land and leases.
How did we get here? Pique over a sign or payback for two winning lawsuits
What else it means: No paved alley for Dan. No sewer replacement for Wayne. No street lights for Jane. For Ruston residents goodbye Ruston hello Pierce County, want us or not.
From The News Tribune Friday June 6, 2008 page B4 editorial "HOW NOT TO RUN A CITY COUNCIL" two quotes "The sad state of Ruston politics shows what happens local government is divided by factions." Continuing, "Gone are any real voices of dissent, and with them, any clain the council has to be truly representative." Also attached RUSTON BALLLOONS TAX ON ITS CASINO.
What a sad state we are in. In all the budget discussions not one word about lawsuits or out of sight attorney costs. Wonder why?

Friday, December 5, 2008
In a nutshell this is disastrous for the Town of Ruston:
Joan Mell, attorney for Point Defiance Cafe and Casino
David Britton, attorney for the Town of Ruston
John Robson, attorney for shareholders Point Defiance Cafe and Casino
will go to trial. Both SUMMARY JUDGMENTS denied. Ruston Town Attorney David Britton looks stunned. Judge admonishes no more hearsay you must produce live witnesses. Dan and the gang get ready. Unfortunately Ruston looks finished. In my judgment that was the desired result. They either settle or face huge court costs and $9.6 million judgment if Point Defiance Cafe and Casino prevails.
Judge Hogan, strictly business, two summary judgment petitions, have reviewed all materials, are both lawyers prepared today. Both answer yes. After 15 minutes per attorney and rebuttals Casino attorney (to Town Attorney) does not dispute Town's taxing authority only process for implementation. Both sides cite Walla Walla and Spokane cases judge not swayed either way. DENYS BOTH MOTIONS. Opposing lawyers must get together and set trial date 2nd or 4th Friday of January '09 and talk for time frame and set trial date. NOTHING TODAY. Check with court before final date.
Potential witnesses for Ruston: Dan Albertson, Wayne Stebner and Jane Hunt. For Point defiance Casino Jim Reinhold, Kim Wheeler and the three named above for Ruston.
If they are out to destroy Ruston, the Cabal, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. Jim Hedrick was right this was rushed through, no second reading, no public input. The Town of Ruston's largest taxpayer put out of the gambling business.
Remember the visits, we do not like your sign! All on the Town's dime.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Attendance: Mayor Bruce Hopkins, council persons Jane Hunt, Dan Albertson, Jim Hedrick, Wayne Stebner, excused absence Bradley Huson
Agenda item 3 - 2009 Budget Discussion
Mayor - provides insight on balanced budget- projected revenue $573,555 projected expenses of $1,013,779, very serious after whacking everything I could. Ar least $500,000 deficit until Point Ruston kicks in 2011-2014. Biggest item Police Department $497,000 after removing overtime. Same problems as others but we have surplus fund.
Jane - handout from AWC average utility tax 14.5 percent. We could raise utility taxes up below maximum allowed and triple our income. Ex: we have no storm drain tax.
Mayor - Budget stripped down, no overtime, as close as I can get. We could roll back staff or dip into surplus, need help from council. Ruston viable, five years maximum. Takes Town seriously, problems sleeping, very tough decisions. Will need first class fire department. Need long term plan.
Dan - Favors cuts over new taxes. Tax increases $100,00 a year or $1,600 in debt per household (750). Need to redo budget process. Point Ruston not likely until 2018. Need outside budget support.
(Whatever happened to the Marcotte report, a do over? How much?) (All doom and gloom - no answers to problems, no suggestions.)
Wayne - agrees with doom and gloom, need a professional to come in. Need power poles, sewers.
Jim - Seventy percent of budget is salaries, cut employees? Can't tax to revenue neutral. Do a little of both, transfer funds.
Mayor - hotel due 2011.
Dan - We have no hotel tax
Town Attorney - hotel promotion, builder taxes.
Mayor - back to drawing board will get my rendition of budget to you by Saturday Dec. 6th. We need to reach budget agreement.
Jim - breakout costs, single page, revenue each tax, breakout salaries.
Jane - willing to pay increased taxes.
Mayor - harbor fund use for pollution into Bay- reserve money for engineering.
struggling with Tacoma Power, have made it clear they will no longer support us, materials, labor no longer provided. Potentially devastating, no longer supply transformers, labor only at cost. Need Point Ruston support to Tacoma Utility Director. Tacoma will respond to emergencies. Tunnel fund still under review.
Wayne - appreciates Mayor's time spent on budget issues.
Dan - (responding to public comment $1600 (TNT) lost gambling tax per month, $100,000 five years.) Actual loss was $600-$700 per month, comment was way off mark.
Jane - 2010 resurface Baltimore street, need to do sewer then. Town responsible for 1200 feet. Hotel obligated to open 2011. Point Ruston doing OK, very well!
MAYOR - Have eight applicants for police chief, four qualified. Three panelists- one council, one public, one professional. MEET AND GREET Monday Dec. 15th before council meeting.
Motion to recess until Dec. 8th passes 4-0. Regular meeting will resume.
COMMENT: It would certainly help if all council members would work together with the Mayor. This budget and it's decisions are of immense importance. New taxes will be tough, staff cuts tougher. The town is riding a thin line.
Those who cannot work with their council partners and the Mayor need to provide answers, solutions. Constant backbiting and undercutting adds little to the Town during such a critical time, decisions of great magnitude and importance. This same message was delivered in a Tacoma News Tribune editorial during the infighting in the town earlier in 2008. Nobody listened.
How about breaking out the LAWSUITS, single page, all expenditures. The time bomb in the budget process and the Town's survival, absolutely no dollar limit and little over seeing. Next hearing Dec. 5th 9am Judge Vicki Hogan on Point Defiance Cafe and Casino? Last injunction hearing cost the town $1,700.