Sunday, December 7, 2008


Worse, worser, worst? You decide? Ruston grinches?

Point Ruston Casino vs. Town of Ruston. Round two goes to the Point Defiance Cafe and Casino as judge denies Ruston request for summary judgment and case dismissal. Did it have to happen? Did approximately 35 people have to lose their jobs just before the holidays? Why would Ruston deliberately put their largest taxpayer out of the gambling business when they are undergoing a severe budget crisis and an anticipated $500,000 deficit for this year and succeeding years? Did it have to happen, you decide. To me it ranks of lunacy, self destruction.

It all started with a visit by Dan Albertson as a private citizen before being appointed to the Ruston Town council on an emergency basis (we need him right away) visiting the Casino and complaining about their sign which several citizens objected to. Then council person Wayne Stebner wants to increase their (Point Defiance Cafe and Casino) tax rate from a floating one percent to 20 percent. This is reduced to 12 percent before final vote is rushed through, no second hearing, no public input.

Point Defiance Casino through it's attorney Joan Mell asks for an injunction to delay tax increase until a trial could be held on the merits. This is where it stops making sense. Ruston does not provide certified copies, only a tape, which the judge refused to accept as it required transcribing. So it comes down to this Ruston town attorney David Britton needs to stipulate YES that the vote in the council was 3-1. The town attorney conversed with Dan Albertson for over an hour before the motion was heard. Town attorney for Ruston refuses to stipulate YES so injunction is denied and rescheduled two months later.

Point Defiance Cafe and Casino closes it's gambling business the next day. Thirty five people are without jobs. Ruston loses $20,000 gambling tax per year, $100,000 over five years. Not a budget saver but a significant hit to the towns income. According to the Morning News Tribune taxes were averaging $1,600 per month, from a low of $700 to over $3,000 a month. Dan Albertson asks at next council meeting if Casino has paid 12 percent rate from time of passage in council to closing. Answer is yes, into a trust account.

This is the same duo who now want to hire a consultant to look over the town's budget process? Their mantra is grants, grants and more grants. They are adamant that taxes will not be increased? You really have to wonder whose interest they are pursuing? What is their aim, their goal. A town without businesses, a bedroom community, a neighborhood like so many others in Pierce County. Come out and say so, tell us - enough weaseling.

Town is now pretty much the Dan and Wayne show. All of you council persons who are enablers, what about your oath of office? Are you ashamed, do you have any shame, any of you? Any conscience? As for the rest of us fighting an uphill battle against an entrenched cabal we must keep fighting even if it means going down with the ship to end this tyranny.

The town attorney David Britton is a good man who has fallen under the spell of Dan Albertson and needs to free himself and start reporting to the mayor and the whole council.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays from Ruston.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jim, you titled your comments "scrooge town". I've heard just the opposite, I've heard they have paid (or lost) the commencment $70K, Reinhold $250K,and now the Casino who knows how much, a chief that takes more time off on the Town, more than any other employee. Jim they are not a scrooge, they're Santa.