Monday, December 22, 2008


Yes, Virginia we have a budget and the Town of Ruston will be around at least one more year.

Ruston regular council meeting December 22, 2008 7:17 pm.
Yes 7:17 at 7pm door was locked, no lights, no handouts. Police Chief Reese had to be called in to unlock door and hook up recorder.
Karen will return on the 29th and normalcy will return.

Agenda item No. 1 - Ordinance 1275 Silver Cloud Hotel substantial development permit (second reading)
Dan - need Town Planner (absent)
Wayne - table Ord. No. 1275 to study session Jan 5th
(Makes little sense, gone over and over, planning commission, council first reading, more delay. Why is the question?)

Agenda item No. 2 - Ordinance 1276 Salary Classification
Dan - Do we need it?
Mayor - consensus we don't need it.
Attorney - No statute requirement.
Dan - Safer not to pass, complications.
Mayor - 2008 numbers in budget.
Attorney - Union negotiations not far enough along.
Jane - Agrees with Dan serves no purpose.
Jim - possible double amendment. If same as budget why pass? Could require another meeting.
Dan - $57,678 salary for Sergeant. Does it include 2 1/2 percent merit pay? If not we need to pass budget amendment.
Attorney - You need to pass something by end of year then could amend.
Dan - Fix in January.
Mayor - based on exhibit 2009 numbers should be correct.
Jim - Let's ask the architect of the grid?
Chief Reese - Numbers got transposed in clerk's office. Salary for Officer #4 is listed at Academy rate. My recommendations not included.
Dan - recommend Jim as liaison to determine maximum police salaries. Go back to previous Ordinance. Vote no.
Brad - or withdraw.
No vote was taken so I think it was withdrawn or? Couldn't follow discussion.
(How did they get involved in this in the first place? Twenty minutes spent for naught.)

Agenda Item No. 3 - Ordinance adopting 2009 budget (second reading)
Jim - motion to approve. NO DISCUSSION. Passes 5-0.
(I was there it really happened. Another case of unanimity.)

7:38 Adjourn


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