Monday, December 29, 2008


In Ruston lurks a dragon named GRAUG
And the evil elf LEARFIN, the town agog.
Forming together an ominous black cloud.
Hulking over the Town, a large dark shroud.

We're surviving by the seat of our pants,
Saying our prayers, send us some grants.
We can't afford to tax ourselves,
So we'll tax Santa and the elves.

We're keeping our heads above water,
We're spending way more than we aught'r.
We're getting by on our savings and loans
And a one percent tax on our homes.

When comes November in '09,
The cloud will pierce and the sun will shine.
When the sails go up befitting the mast,
Clear sailing we will have beyond at last.

If we hold together forgetting aghast,
We will move forward, create a new past.
Leading us forward is the Commencement,
To a season of joy and merriment.

Into the future with lights aglow,
Point Ruston will headline the show.
To all a merry Christmas with Holiday cheer.
And a joyous and prosperous eclectic New Year!

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