Monday, December 29, 2008
And the evil elf LEARFIN, the town agog.
Forming together an ominous black cloud.
Hulking over the Town, a large dark shroud.
We're surviving by the seat of our pants,
Saying our prayers, send us some grants.
We can't afford to tax ourselves,
So we'll tax Santa and the elves.
We're keeping our heads above water,
We're spending way more than we aught'r.
We're getting by on our savings and loans
And a one percent tax on our homes.
When comes November in '09,
The cloud will pierce and the sun will shine.
When the sails go up befitting the mast,
Clear sailing we will have beyond at last.
If we hold together forgetting aghast,
We will move forward, create a new past.
Leading us forward is the Commencement,
To a season of joy and merriment.
Into the future with lights aglow,
Point Ruston will headline the show.
To all a merry Christmas with Holiday cheer.
And a joyous and prosperous eclectic New Year!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Ruston regular council meeting December 22, 2008 7:17 pm.
Yes 7:17 at 7pm door was locked, no lights, no handouts. Police Chief Reese had to be called in to unlock door and hook up recorder.
Karen will return on the 29th and normalcy will return.
Agenda item No. 1 - Ordinance 1275 Silver Cloud Hotel substantial development permit (second reading)
Dan - need Town Planner (absent)
Wayne - table Ord. No. 1275 to study session Jan 5th
(Makes little sense, gone over and over, planning commission, council first reading, more delay. Why is the question?)
Agenda item No. 2 - Ordinance 1276 Salary Classification
Dan - Do we need it?
Mayor - consensus we don't need it.
Attorney - No statute requirement.
Dan - Safer not to pass, complications.
Mayor - 2008 numbers in budget.
Attorney - Union negotiations not far enough along.
Jane - Agrees with Dan serves no purpose.
Jim - possible double amendment. If same as budget why pass? Could require another meeting.
Dan - $57,678 salary for Sergeant. Does it include 2 1/2 percent merit pay? If not we need to pass budget amendment.
Attorney - You need to pass something by end of year then could amend.
Dan - Fix in January.
Mayor - based on exhibit 2009 numbers should be correct.
Jim - Let's ask the architect of the grid?
Chief Reese - Numbers got transposed in clerk's office. Salary for Officer #4 is listed at Academy rate. My recommendations not included.
Dan - recommend Jim as liaison to determine maximum police salaries. Go back to previous Ordinance. Vote no.
Brad - or withdraw.
No vote was taken so I think it was withdrawn or? Couldn't follow discussion.
(How did they get involved in this in the first place? Twenty minutes spent for naught.)
Agenda Item No. 3 - Ordinance adopting 2009 budget (second reading)
Jim - motion to approve. NO DISCUSSION. Passes 5-0.
(I was there it really happened. Another case of unanimity.)
7:38 Adjourn
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Ordinance No. 1277 - An ordinance adopting the 2009 budget:
Jim H - Makes motion to approve Ordinance 1277, Bradley second.
Dan - Revenues $572 thousand, $721 thousand for employees, $1.2 million expenses. We are approaching a cliff, transfer $500 thousand out of property fund. (Here we go again, is there anything he likes or agrees with)?
Jim H - to be revenue neutral we would have to close police, garbage, parks assuming agreement with city of Tacoma. Not feasible. Budgeting, give up utilities or Police Department. We have a choice. Not exactly.
Dan - our checks will bounce. Not covering 60 percent of expenditures.
Jane - slew of utility taxes we do not pay. We need to tax ourselves. Tacoma will have no qualms.
Attorney - We had meeting on taxes, specific on taxes.
Mayor - My budget, embarrassing but necessary. All laugh.
Wayne - utilities tax would be $1,500 per year per household. Dan previously, $1,600 per year per household.
Jane - not anywhere near $1,500 maybe $300 per year per household. We are limited on increases, need every tax revenue we have. Need to be comfortable with 2009 budget then need long term plan. Revisit in first quarter 2009.
Mayor - hard decisions. There is hope.
At 8:24 first reading accepted Ordinance 1277 Budget 2009. Final vote next council meeting Dec. 22nd, 2008.
Along the way, Interlocal Datasharing Agreement - Washington Department of Licensing approved 5-0.
Ordinance 1274 - B & O taxes approved on a 5-0 vote. No discussion, no public input.
Under REVENUES - TAXES Local retail sales, use tax -
2007 actual was 117,445,
2008 budgeted was 90,000,
2008 to date 235,199 (Commencement),
2009 proposed 100,000.
Funny how the much maligned Commencement keeps coming through for the town. Much the same as the Silver Cloud hotel will do in 2011. There are those on the council still looking to deny the occupancy permit for the Commencement. The same ones trying to stop the Silver Cloud hotel from ever being built. Remember those phantom views much like the view corridor in Stack Hill. The town has plenty of money to tide it over until Point Ruston is developed if we stick together and move forward defying the Tacoma crowd. Remember one of their planks in 2006 was ridding the town of all businesses. Apparently that includes stopping all new businesses in their tracks. Keep a stiff upper lip and we will survive well into the future.
Claims and Payroll -
Bradley - can we use funds for planning?
Attorney - not an easy question to answer. Harbor fund needs to be water related.
Approved 4-0. Wayne abstain. Remember the good old days when Wayne and Bob routinely abstained, once almost shutting the town down when they didn't show up for a vote.
Connie - are Reinhold lawsuit costs in budget? Yes. Need to look at Fire Chief's salary and increase.
Sherrie - rebuking Dan. Hideous buildings supported town, provided well paying jobs, supported families. We need to support Hotel as it will also provide jobs.
Bradley - stick around for carrot cake.
Clerk - instant correction chocolate cake.
Bradley - food bank - huge amount of food and toys, really proud of residents.
Jim H - Thanks Police chief candidates. Refers in jest to HOPKIN'S BUDGET.
Jane - thanks Chief Reese, accomplished more in less time, wonderful communicator.
Chief Reese - commentators, public and council, of all stripes and persuasions, were unanimous in their praise and acclaim for our outgoing Police Chief whose last day will be December 23rd. Her greatest achievement, in a town divided, unanimity, in their praises and well wishes. Godspeed onto your next success.
Meeting adjourned.
Stay tuned for December 22nd council meeting blog. Will Dan and Wayne agree to pay a single penny increase in their utility taxes to support the Town? Call them to find out early and comment to the rest of us.
We never seem to get very far.
Spent weeks in a numeral haze,
Round and round in a daze.
You'll be amazed at year's end.
We don't have any money to spend.
Were banking on bake sales and grants.
Meanwhile, were floating on rants.
If we can make it a couple of years,
The hotel will soothe our fears.
That's why we're shooting it down.
We need him now, the town clown.
His only friend is parsing all pence.
That's to keep us all in suspense.
Will we end up Ruston or Tacoma?
Or Pierce county still in a coma?
Ruston regular council meeting Monday December 15th, 2008 page two:
Ordinance 1276 Salary Classification budget 2009
Weird and incomprehensible, muttering and sputtering. As short as I can get it.
Council - Need to do both tonight (salary classification and budget), need second reading December 22nd council meeting (salary classification). December 22nd wins.
Dan - need more readable form. Is this part of the budget?
Clerk - Yes.
Wayne - not comfortable with this.
Dan and Wayne - refuse to make motion for approval (previous ended up in court).
Bradley - makes motion.
Jim - removes merit pay?
Clerk - fixes salaries at current levels. Everybody at current wage, top step.
Council - doesn't understand.
Clerk - salaries fixed at current salary, need budget amendment to increase.
Wayne - attacks fire department, wants budget amendment, keep us informed, wants budget reduced.
Mayor - to Wayne, to put this is perspective the budget is $700,000 out of balance, you want to go through this for $261 dollars? Wow, are his days numbered? Straight talk in Ruston?
Council - some talk of need to repeal Ordinance 1238. Not sure what for? Another red herring slowdown?
Police Chief Reese - asks permission to speak, granted. fundamental problem, removing something we spent hours doing (Ordinance 1238). My concern, we need grid for Police Department salaries. Is it necessary to repeal Ordinance 1238?
Attorney - this Ordinance (1276) seems redundant. No staff requirement.
Jane - ending confusion, let's redo this at December 22nd meeting.
Bradley - include Ordinance 1238 and supplemental budget.
Jim - motion to approve Ordinance 1276 Salary Classification first reading. Passes 5-0. Second reading December 22nd council meeting.
Public - do you get the feeling this is all done on the fly? Or are some council members having remarkable success sewing confusion. The Town Clerk, God bless her, knew the correct answer but was totally ignored. Come November 2009 we can ameliorate this balderdash and bring back sound reasoning. But it will take some pro Ruston candidates to step forward between now and then. Nineteen minutes chasing their tail in dog terms.
Sorry, Ordinance 1277 Budget 2009 next blog. I need a break. It is remarkable this goes on meeting after meeting for $30 a month. Believe me it is not the money. It's all about the Town - sink or swim. Stay tuned it gets worse.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Fire Department report, Chief Don Torbet no incidents for past month. Supports residence program, remodeling residence, provides daytime support, opportunity for people who live far away, money well spent, needs support. Response time down one minute will apply for grant to pay people.
Wayne, cuts no ice with Wayne who looked out his window and saw no car parked at residence. The same Wayne who has tried to do in the Fire Department and the Town in secret meetings with Tacoma. Remember, Beth Torbet ran for council against Wayne and the Cabal. They, the cabal, are consistent: never forgive, never forget. This was demonstrated throughout the meeting when public entreaties to increase the Fire Chiefs salary were routinely ignored. Remember they cut his pay soon after taking office in 2006.
Police Department report - introduced three candidates for replacement police chief: Michael Kendoll from North Carolina with roots here, Marsha Stril experience with Pierce county sheriff department and our very own Ruston police officer Jeremy Kunkel with nine years dedicated and devoted service to the town of Ruston. Hope I got spelling right?
Thanks civil service commission, has eight qualified candidates for one officer opening out of 11 applicants. Working with selection committee: Lyle Hardin, Jim Hedrick and sector 2 Tacoma Police officer. Will bring results to Mayor Hopkins who will make the final pick. Will prepare report on priorities to Mayor for next police chief. Final day December 23rd with all our best wishes.
Planning Department - Rob White reported on Commencement. They have building permit, no violations, should not hold up occupancy. Dan wants copy of document. Jane wants copy of letter. Wayne wants personal copy of all applications and telephone call notification of all Planning committee meetings and hearings. Remember the Cabal crowd have been after the Commencement since one member complained of noise and tearing up the street. Also they gave the town $4.2 million for the lower parking lot saving the town from bankruptcy. Unforgivable, happened BC, before Cabal, not on their watch. Never forgive, never forget.
Planning Committee report, Connie Maglione had several issues commented on need to raise Fire Chief's salary. Maybe after November 2009 Connie.
Ordinance 1275 Silver Cloud hotel substantial development permit (first reading):
Rob White, Town planner, gave the staff report. Hotels are separate from commercial development per 1974 code which clearly defines which clearly defines hotels and commercial development separately. Repeat this ten times to yourself as that was how many times it was explained to Dan who couldn't or wouldn't accept this simple thesis.
Dan - in full battle mode, torpedoes away, went on the attack grilling the town planner relentlessly. For why we wonder, for naught we got. Demands to know if anyone from Point Ruston provided input, yes, to Planning commission. Shoreline management in strong terms no building within 35 feet of shoreline. State law restricts obstructing views. Demands to know how many views obstructed.
Rob - 1974 code clearly defines Hotels separately from Commercial development.
Dan - continues attack, You are jettisoning Ruston Shoreline plan, looking solely at Point Ruston MDP, Master Development Plan, cleared away others, ignored findings of fact, not looking at criteria needed, State says other things. Wow, wonder how he is going to vote?
Wayne - comes to his aid. mistake, oversight, not to include completion of promenade as condition of occupancy permit. Rob reads to Wayne it is a condition of occupancy voted on by council and planning commission. Wayne looks very perplexed, more clarification needed.
Dan - batteries recharged back on the attack. Findings, what used to be down there, hotel is better, but not appropriate, restrictions, limitations in law. formerly HIDEOUS STRUCTURE was there not right to put another HIDEOUS STRUCTURE there (Silver Cloud hotel)? Something about statute, comparison is OK. Violates 35 foot setback, yes.
Rob - NO approved under 1974 code, hotels are separate from commercial.
Dan - ominously, we (council) make decisions right? Answer yes.
Jim - hotel five stories, 61 feet on 21 foot grade. Below grade of upper town, 105 feet.
Let's see now, this has been gone over ad nauseum. Eighty five feet using the old math is twenty feet below the grade of Ruston proper. How could any ones view be obstructed, only Dan and Wayne know the answer. Put it very simply no view is obstructed. We will wait for final result in second reading December 22nd regular council meeting. Expect the same go round in the next edition of the Dan and Wayne show. Where are they going with this. It is obvious if the do in the hotel they also do in the town of Ruston. Maybe, just maybe that is what they want? My prediction it is approved 3-2.
There is more of the Dan and Wayne show tomorrow in Budget 2009 Ordinance 1277 plus Salary classification Ordinance 1276 but it is getting late. Much more, same O same O, dire predictions, obfuscation, but never an answer or solution.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Old timers remember when there was no Ruston Way only a single railroad line. Ruston Way and Waterview Street were dredged up out of Commencement Bay. But that was before the advent of bureaucrats and their ad hoc, burdensome, do nothing regulations. They have more life expectancy than Jobs for Justice. What a misnomer.
It seems pretty simple if they are polluted pull them up using a barge and barge them to somewhere where the sun doesn't shine. How much creosote can be left after 100 years?
Five hundred thousand dollar study for what? I just did it for free. Spend the money on something useful, to the taxpayers not the bureaucrats.
Just do it!!!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008
Remember Town Hall is collecting toys for tots and for the food drive. Shake out the moths and give a little or better yet a lot. Address for town hall is 5117 N Winnifred, Ruston, WA 98407-6597. Drop off items are welcome or mail check to Town clerk. Times are tough, but some have it tougher, and town employees shouldn't have to bear the burden, but the needs are saddening.
Pretty dry working out the details. Only three council persons - Bradley, Dan and Wayne. Jane was sick and Jim out of town. So exciting only three public attendees - myself, Beth Torbet and mayor Hopkins wife. Hi lites are few, mostly humdrum:
One itemized budget item under TAXES, Gambling excise taxes:
2007 actual $37,536 2008 budget $30,000 2008 to date $16,536 2009 proposed $5,000.
Wonder why?
.Mayor - 150 hours of overtime added back in budget for Police department after discussion with Police chief. Sergeant Jeremy Kunkel working same shift as chief, overlap to help chief get organized. If Jeremy has to train them why not just give him the job and overlap goes away - budget reduction. Looking at additional $130,000 in arrears.
.Mayor - Tremendous amount of money in reserve funds, imperative we have 3-5 year plan to get organized, define what we need. future of school. Even if I wanted to cannot balance this budget. Need grants and $500,000 from transfer from trust fund, maybe more to keep operating. We are in an emergency, existence of town in the balance.
.Dan - NON-BUDGET ITEM, Point Ruston bringing in fill at night. Who is overseeing them. Need full council discussion, oversight, Town Attorney involved?
.Clerk - EPA oversees, approves.
.Public - Where is jobs for justice when we need them.
.Wayne - Fire department underfunded $350 to $400,000. Is resident fireman program best use of funds. I live across the street but never see anyone. Appreciate time volunteers put in.
.Mayor - fire department severely underfunded, glaring. Not a budget breaker. Need to talk to fire chief for long term plans. Primary concern is to keep safeguarding citizens.
.Wayne - police officers taking vehicles home. Expensive to replace. Not effective if live over five miles away, need to change policy. Specially trained people only.
.Mayor - have inter local agreement. Need mileage limitation.
.Dan - if live far away cannot respond. PRR costs are ridiculous.
Wayne - many budget items - Haul garbage to Orting, better rate? Legislative $30,000, tuition for classes, copiers, civil service ...
Clerk - no more money income from recycling, copiers are cheap- Washington government contract. Need civil service Secretary $100 per meeting may have volunteer.
.Mayor - Need CPA to help and advise on budget, are we managing properly. I cannot be CPA. Need accounting for funds, shifting funds, build up in reserves. Have couple of names for council to review.
.Attorney - Usage is pretty strict for Harbor Improvement fund. Most funds have similar restrictions.
.Mayor - additional budget $448.95 for additional five million liability insurance. Current five million will go to ten.
.Dan - five million per occurrence or one time?
.Mayor - reached agreement with Tacoma Power on utilities (no details).
.Clerk - next week meeting December 15th on budget open for public discussion.
.Attorney - budget has to be approved before end of year.
Motion to adjourn for 30 minute EXECUTIVE SESSION.
Don't forget: toys for tots and food drive.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Point Ruston Casino vs. Town of Ruston. Round two goes to the Point Defiance Cafe and Casino as judge denies Ruston request for summary judgment and case dismissal. Did it have to happen? Did approximately 35 people have to lose their jobs just before the holidays? Why would Ruston deliberately put their largest taxpayer out of the gambling business when they are undergoing a severe budget crisis and an anticipated $500,000 deficit for this year and succeeding years? Did it have to happen, you decide. To me it ranks of lunacy, self destruction.
It all started with a visit by Dan Albertson as a private citizen before being appointed to the Ruston Town council on an emergency basis (we need him right away) visiting the Casino and complaining about their sign which several citizens objected to. Then council person Wayne Stebner wants to increase their (Point Defiance Cafe and Casino) tax rate from a floating one percent to 20 percent. This is reduced to 12 percent before final vote is rushed through, no second hearing, no public input.
Point Defiance Casino through it's attorney Joan Mell asks for an injunction to delay tax increase until a trial could be held on the merits. This is where it stops making sense. Ruston does not provide certified copies, only a tape, which the judge refused to accept as it required transcribing. So it comes down to this Ruston town attorney David Britton needs to stipulate YES that the vote in the council was 3-1. The town attorney conversed with Dan Albertson for over an hour before the motion was heard. Town attorney for Ruston refuses to stipulate YES so injunction is denied and rescheduled two months later.
Point Defiance Cafe and Casino closes it's gambling business the next day. Thirty five people are without jobs. Ruston loses $20,000 gambling tax per year, $100,000 over five years. Not a budget saver but a significant hit to the towns income. According to the Morning News Tribune taxes were averaging $1,600 per month, from a low of $700 to over $3,000 a month. Dan Albertson asks at next council meeting if Casino has paid 12 percent rate from time of passage in council to closing. Answer is yes, into a trust account.
This is the same duo who now want to hire a consultant to look over the town's budget process? Their mantra is grants, grants and more grants. They are adamant that taxes will not be increased? You really have to wonder whose interest they are pursuing? What is their aim, their goal. A town without businesses, a bedroom community, a neighborhood like so many others in Pierce County. Come out and say so, tell us - enough weaseling.
Town is now pretty much the Dan and Wayne show. All of you council persons who are enablers, what about your oath of office? Are you ashamed, do you have any shame, any of you? Any conscience? As for the rest of us fighting an uphill battle against an entrenched cabal we must keep fighting even if it means going down with the ship to end this tyranny.
The town attorney David Britton is a good man who has fallen under the spell of Dan Albertson and needs to free himself and start reporting to the mayor and the whole council.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays from Ruston.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
- Ruston School and land including leases awarded to Casino
- Ruston will have to lease community center and council meeting room and Police station
- Ruston Town Hall awarded to Casino
- Ruston will have to lease it back, lease back fire Department area
- Fireman's residence (house) awarded to Casino, Ruston lease back
- Fire engine, police cars, maintenance area and equipment awarded to Casino, lease back
- $4.2 million in trust (Commencement land sale) awarded to Point Defiance Cafe and Casino
- Anything else the Town owns, fax machine, office equipment to Casino, buy back or sold
If a settlement is negotiated the Town may have to choose between the $4.2 million dollars or the Ruston School and land and leases.
How did we get here? Pique over a sign or payback for two winning lawsuits
What else it means: No paved alley for Dan. No sewer replacement for Wayne. No street lights for Jane. For Ruston residents goodbye Ruston hello Pierce County, want us or not.
From The News Tribune Friday June 6, 2008 page B4 editorial "HOW NOT TO RUN A CITY COUNCIL" two quotes "The sad state of Ruston politics shows what happens local government is divided by factions." Continuing, "Gone are any real voices of dissent, and with them, any clain the council has to be truly representative." Also attached RUSTON BALLLOONS TAX ON ITS CASINO.
What a sad state we are in. In all the budget discussions not one word about lawsuits or out of sight attorney costs. Wonder why?

Friday, December 5, 2008
In a nutshell this is disastrous for the Town of Ruston:
Joan Mell, attorney for Point Defiance Cafe and Casino
David Britton, attorney for the Town of Ruston
John Robson, attorney for shareholders Point Defiance Cafe and Casino
will go to trial. Both SUMMARY JUDGMENTS denied. Ruston Town Attorney David Britton looks stunned. Judge admonishes no more hearsay you must produce live witnesses. Dan and the gang get ready. Unfortunately Ruston looks finished. In my judgment that was the desired result. They either settle or face huge court costs and $9.6 million judgment if Point Defiance Cafe and Casino prevails.
Judge Hogan, strictly business, two summary judgment petitions, have reviewed all materials, are both lawyers prepared today. Both answer yes. After 15 minutes per attorney and rebuttals Casino attorney (to Town Attorney) does not dispute Town's taxing authority only process for implementation. Both sides cite Walla Walla and Spokane cases judge not swayed either way. DENYS BOTH MOTIONS. Opposing lawyers must get together and set trial date 2nd or 4th Friday of January '09 and talk for time frame and set trial date. NOTHING TODAY. Check with court before final date.
Potential witnesses for Ruston: Dan Albertson, Wayne Stebner and Jane Hunt. For Point defiance Casino Jim Reinhold, Kim Wheeler and the three named above for Ruston.
If they are out to destroy Ruston, the Cabal, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. Jim Hedrick was right this was rushed through, no second reading, no public input. The Town of Ruston's largest taxpayer put out of the gambling business.
Remember the visits, we do not like your sign! All on the Town's dime.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Attendance: Mayor Bruce Hopkins, council persons Jane Hunt, Dan Albertson, Jim Hedrick, Wayne Stebner, excused absence Bradley Huson
Agenda item 3 - 2009 Budget Discussion
Mayor - provides insight on balanced budget- projected revenue $573,555 projected expenses of $1,013,779, very serious after whacking everything I could. Ar least $500,000 deficit until Point Ruston kicks in 2011-2014. Biggest item Police Department $497,000 after removing overtime. Same problems as others but we have surplus fund.
Jane - handout from AWC average utility tax 14.5 percent. We could raise utility taxes up below maximum allowed and triple our income. Ex: we have no storm drain tax.
Mayor - Budget stripped down, no overtime, as close as I can get. We could roll back staff or dip into surplus, need help from council. Ruston viable, five years maximum. Takes Town seriously, problems sleeping, very tough decisions. Will need first class fire department. Need long term plan.
Dan - Favors cuts over new taxes. Tax increases $100,00 a year or $1,600 in debt per household (750). Need to redo budget process. Point Ruston not likely until 2018. Need outside budget support.
(Whatever happened to the Marcotte report, a do over? How much?) (All doom and gloom - no answers to problems, no suggestions.)
Wayne - agrees with doom and gloom, need a professional to come in. Need power poles, sewers.
Jim - Seventy percent of budget is salaries, cut employees? Can't tax to revenue neutral. Do a little of both, transfer funds.
Mayor - hotel due 2011.
Dan - We have no hotel tax
Town Attorney - hotel promotion, builder taxes.
Mayor - back to drawing board will get my rendition of budget to you by Saturday Dec. 6th. We need to reach budget agreement.
Jim - breakout costs, single page, revenue each tax, breakout salaries.
Jane - willing to pay increased taxes.
Mayor - harbor fund use for pollution into Bay- reserve money for engineering.
struggling with Tacoma Power, have made it clear they will no longer support us, materials, labor no longer provided. Potentially devastating, no longer supply transformers, labor only at cost. Need Point Ruston support to Tacoma Utility Director. Tacoma will respond to emergencies. Tunnel fund still under review.
Wayne - appreciates Mayor's time spent on budget issues.
Dan - (responding to public comment $1600 (TNT) lost gambling tax per month, $100,000 five years.) Actual loss was $600-$700 per month, comment was way off mark.
Jane - 2010 resurface Baltimore street, need to do sewer then. Town responsible for 1200 feet. Hotel obligated to open 2011. Point Ruston doing OK, very well!
MAYOR - Have eight applicants for police chief, four qualified. Three panelists- one council, one public, one professional. MEET AND GREET Monday Dec. 15th before council meeting.
Motion to recess until Dec. 8th passes 4-0. Regular meeting will resume.
COMMENT: It would certainly help if all council members would work together with the Mayor. This budget and it's decisions are of immense importance. New taxes will be tough, staff cuts tougher. The town is riding a thin line.
Those who cannot work with their council partners and the Mayor need to provide answers, solutions. Constant backbiting and undercutting adds little to the Town during such a critical time, decisions of great magnitude and importance. This same message was delivered in a Tacoma News Tribune editorial during the infighting in the town earlier in 2008. Nobody listened.
How about breaking out the LAWSUITS, single page, all expenditures. The time bomb in the budget process and the Town's survival, absolutely no dollar limit and little over seeing. Next hearing Dec. 5th 9am Judge Vicki Hogan on Point Defiance Cafe and Casino? Last injunction hearing cost the town $1,700.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Mayor Bruce Hopkins gavelled the meeting to order with flag salute. Four council members in attendance and Town Attorney and Town Clerk. Three (3) members of public attended! This was the easy part. The next hour and a half was so complicated to be almost bewildering, the complexity of the Town's financial situation close to hopeless; but not impossible. I admire the indefatigable confidence and positive outlook of Councilman Jim Hedrick and am trying to adopt it and leave out the negative, he is our cornerstone to the future. The input from Karen, Town Clerk, was precise providing a vast knowledge of the Town budget and of town procedures. Although a few council persons are always looking for the negative. Without Karen this would be a bigger mess by far. The Town Attorney kept them from themselves with constant reminders they could not talk about tax increases without a scheduled, advertised public meeting. Great job David Britton. Opening the can of worms followed a short discussion of an ad valorem tax increase (a certain rate on invoiced value, (lawyer talk)).
STRONG MAYOR, absolutely, while learning the ropes Bruce Hopkins has shown himself to be a take charge Mayor and most impressive, able to bring the conflicting council members with conflicting solutions to task and keep them moving ahead, straight ahead, with little tolerance for side tracking and "the sky is falling" syndrome. And this was his first official meeting, great start.
I cannot over emphasize the complexity and challenges facing the town, they are immense. After sitting through 90 minutes my brain was starting to spin but I stuck it out to understand the tolerance and devotion to the Town by the Council and Mayor. All this (Council person) for $30 a month and the Mayor $500 per month. Meeting after meeting taking up many evenings of personal time. This new Mayor is extremely dedicated and should receive a large salary increase as he is becoming the de facto Town Administrator.
There was a lot of talk about a TA Town Manager/Administrator for $108,000 per year versus $500 a month for the Mayor. The discussion involved leaving it in the budget or taking it out. The sticking point is Point Ruston oversight. There seems to be a lack of trust. But the reality is Point Ruston has more of an interest in a successful development than the Town or at least equal. Both are in for the limit. The distrusting council persons should get on board and take advantage of the services available to the Town through Pont Ruston and not try to duplicate them. Example: Town has a Tunnel Fund with a balance of over $100,000 from a grant obtained by former Mayor Bob Pudlo to straighten the tunnel. The EPA is forcing the Town to move the storm sewer outlet and cleanse the water before it enters the bay. WHY NOT TRADE OFF: WIN, WIN?
It seems that every meeting a new FUND is discovered, previously unknown. The Town needs to document their funds and their intended uses in a form (digital or paper) available to all, especially new Town employees. Operating in the dark or each new council person going into a discovery process is time wasting.
They talk about a no tax policy relying on some illusory GRANTS they are going to apply for like they are given out like candy on Halloween. Good luck, the competition is intense (Public Works Trust Fund) and the path is difficult. The Mayor understands there is a great opportunity with the Obama administration for INFRASTRUCTURE projects and JOB creation. Rather than individual grants, time consuming and costly, join them in a single INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT emphasizing JOBS not money. JOB CREATION is the new buzzword to move successfully through the bureaucracy of forms and jargon. Major projects the Town needs to address ASAP are:
.street lights replaced and underground wiring
.sanitary sewer system replaced
.storm sewers upgraded replaced to EPA standards
.storm sewer outlets to Commencement Bay, eliminate contaminants
.streets rebuilt surface and sub surface
.electrical system, poles and wires replaced, hopefully underground
It's JOBS! J-O-B-S, print it on the top of every page in the grant request in capital over sized letters. The timing needs to be expeditious.
There is a minority preaching Tacoma or bankruptcy. Tacoma Power will not take Ruston's electrical system. Too old, too expensive for ROI, return on investment. The city of Tacoma does not want or will not annex the Town of Ruston and its myriad problems and dysfunctional community. All they have to do is wait for it to default to Pierce County and then annex Point Ruston through the Boundary Review Commission. Makes sense, go for the gold leaving behind the IOUs. Tacoma has a 100 percent cooperation with Point Ruston and wants it to succeed big time. Try it Ruston, Tacoma likes it.
Nothing will work with the present dysfunctional Town Council and it's diametrically opposite goals. They need to learn to work together and forget the BC division, before cabal. Forget Tacoma as the big brother coming to save us and work together and save ourselves. Unless this happens the Town will disappear in a whirlpool of discontent. MAYOR HOPKINS, in my opinion, ended the meeting with a stroke of genius, calling on each Council person to submit a plan for a final budget by Saturday the 29th. No plan no input. Thus the zero budgeters will have to delineate tax cuts or tax increases and the borrow from the emergency funds outline their plans. No more going in circles.
Again the enormousness or the tasks at hand are mind blowing. To understand what I cannot possibly pass on you need to attend a budgetary meeting, more are scheduled, and take an interest in your Town. Three people in attendance the Town's future hanging in the balance. I gave up after ten pages of notes and trying here to set the tone and hopefully bring agreement. These are my thoughts, tapes/CD of the meeting available at Town Hall for five dollars.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
It's all downhill from here!
After interviews held during the council session Bruce Hopkins was approved 5-0 as the next Ruston Mayor after a motion by Wayne Stebner and seconded by Dan Albertson. Interviews were scheduled originally for 6pm Special council meeting but only Kim Wheeler showed up at 6pm. That should tell you this was all prearranged as three cabal applicants withdrew and Mr. Hopkins showed up for 7pm regular council meeting. These are my notes that follow, for complete recording of what went on tapes are for sale at Town Hall for five dollars.
The vote was followed by loud clapping, cheering and even whistling by the cabal members in the audience none of who showed up at 6pm for the scheduled interviews. Excuse me one did show up and conversed extensively with Dan Albertson after he abruptly call for adjournment of the 6pm Special Session. This is the second mayor Dan has had dyspepsia with.Ten to one this was another open and notorious violation of the OPEN MEETINGS ACT? Then the council all mouthed their platitudes how wonderful, wonderful this selection was and how his presence would bring a calming atmosphere to the town. Yah, as the ship goes under in a swirl of lawsuits. Let's face it this was our last chance to save the Town of Ruston. The Ruston Mayor, Town Attorney, one council person now operating in sync with Dan Albertson.
INTERVIEWS ORAL - Questions, prepared answers attached
Five candidates, two withdrew before meeting one withdrew at meeting leading BRUCE HOPKINS and KIM WHEELER. Both presented very well written responses prior to meeting.
Kim Wheeler had a very exact knowledge of his response while Bruce Hopkins oral answers appeared to be superficial emphasizing grants, aid, free money.
Shortened questions -
1- interest in serving, qualifications make you the best choice for Mayor.
2- outline your agenda for next year, how would you address issues and potential solutions.
3- Ruston has significant infrastructure issues. How would you address and finance public infrastructure investments?
4- What is your plan to make certain Ruston remains a viable and financially stable community?
5- Given the volatile nature of Ruston politics how do you plan to interface with Town council, citizens making sure everyone is contributing to a solution?
6- Given the Marcotte report what is your strategy to keeping the town solvent until 2014? What if 2014 timeline delayed?
HOPKINS- summarized answers to oral questions-
1- great community, lived here 16 years (Unicorn 80 years, formerly Brick Tavern), honored, speaks highly of Michael Transue
2- need grants, aid
3- funding possibilities
4- all sources of funding
5- open and honest communications, relationship with current council members, Ruston has bad name and "you had better live here"
6- bottom falls out of housing, need to restate options, revenue may not grow, negative, something dramatic happens, alternative revenue sources
WHEELER- summarized answers to oral questions
1- former elected mayor, served four year term
2- get us back together again (community), grants require money research, infrastructure problems date back to 2000, old part of town needs upgrade, get public involved in decisions
3- town lighting is broken, jerry-rigged, use electric utility fund
4- problems since 2000 when Asarco closed, better shape now, can last to projected date 2014, town is in good shape no debt, maintain current living environment
5- need public forums, committed to work with council, faced harsh criticism before, put yesterday behind us, past behind us
6- financial challenges require reevaluation, we have no debt, can manage with money we have, managed before without grants no help, town used to have one police officer working 7pm till 3am (Kim Wheeler later appointed chief of police), five part time no training, fire department upgrade paid off, need team of people
Jim Wingard - Wheeler most qualified, (to Hopkins) will you continue previous attacks on UNICORN SPORTS BAR? Answer ambiguous: noise.
Mary Joyce - vote for Hopkins
Don Torbet - found Wheeler to be extremely honest, honorable, trust with my life, baggage yes but lots of experience, can take over tomorrow
Beth Torbet - Kim Wheeler got a lot done for the town, Winnifred street bridge, The Commencement, lights on 51st street
Edie Talman - Kim voted of office out by a large margin
didn't get name - Hopkins speaks for neighbors, calm presence
Wayne Stebner - makes motion to approve Bruce Hopkins as mayor, seconded
Jane Hunt - I will vote for Bruce, he is a calm person
Jim Hedrick - Bruce Hopkins is a transformational figure, appreciate Kim Wheeler, legitimate and sincere for Town of Ruston, With Bruce I can have a beer and sit down and watch Gonzaga basketball game
Dan Albertson - Thanks Brian Ficala and Wayne Stebner who withdrew as excellent candidates, Bruce Hopkins is an excellent choice, Kim Wheeler had excellent answers, correct on street lights, we can use his information provided (no mention of Bradley Huson who also withdrew and served as interim Mayor for three months)
TIME TO VOTE- 5-0 for HOPKINS followed by loud clapping, cheering, whistling.
Celebration time!!!! For what? Albertson who recently mentioned "Jobs for Justice" as an ally in going after Point Ruston, for lack of oversight by town, now has a direct line into the development decisions. Smell a one hundred million dollar lawsuit in the wings?
Grants, Aid???? Forget them, let's add up the dollars.
$90,000 lost on so called "Ballet Lawsuit" with the Commencement (Wayne)
$70,000 grant refused to upgrade MDP Master Development Plan for Asarco site
$30,000 more or less taxable income LOST from Point Defiance Casino as a result of exorbitant gambling tax increase, plus lost B&O tax, and due to refusal of Town Attorney to stipulate yes to a 3-1 council vote imposing tax (Who was he representing? I see nothing favorable in this for the Town of Ruston!)
$9,000,000 plus lawsuit Point Defiance Casino vs. Town of Ruston due to closure of gambling business and loss of up to 35 jobs
$3,000 dollars overtime pay to fill in for full time police officers assigned to midnight shift at UNICORN BAR AND GRILL
Add to this an unstable government unable to unite behind the POINT RUSTON development and it all spells trouble. Would you give a grant or aid to a Town that can squander money at this rate.
A new Mayor who has a history of attacking a local business he dislikes and was previously invited Agenda Item number one to play a video at a town council meeting with the sound amplified showing the closed door of the Unicorn making the Ruston Police in the video look very uninvolved. Bruce Hopkins made a fool out of himself pulling such a connived stunt although he couldn't have done it without inside help. Another lawsuit pending, the Town's defense here will take some imagination. His greatest claim to fame and Mayoral experience appearing at council meetings many times complaining about noise outside the Unicorn and his video which a copy of was never provided to the Town. Guess who is in charge of hiring, firing in the Police Department? Another Chief lawsuit in the wings, refusal to obey unlawful order?
The Dan and Wayne show for shadowing town bankruptcy, merging into the City of Tacoma. Forget it! Tacoma does not want nor will annex this town and its horrendous problems. You can bank on it. They will wait until it is mismanaged into oblivion and then annex Point Ruston leaving the rest of the town slowly sinking into the Bay, via sewer collapse.
The public comment about Mayor Wheeler "being voted out of office by a wide margin" stirred up a lot of brain cells. Mayor Wheeler not only did great things for this town, HE SAVED THIS TOWN and provided millions in funds in interest bearing savings account to tide the town over until 2014 when Point Ruston is projected to kick in.
His thanks, no thanks, hello and welcome CABAL. Mayor Wheeler on qualifications for the Mayoral position was a ten and Bruce Hopkins zero on experience a one on being calm. This man deserved the ovation not a kick in the teeth. Ruston what have you done to this once proud and viable neighborhood community once filled with vibrancy and good will? You have wrought malcontents and evil intentioned people in to sow divisiveness and discord, secret government, citizens silenced.
Why am I doing this? Believe me it takes l lot of time and effort but I see no light at the end of the soon to be filled tunnel. I will try and come up with an answer. Will attach written answers to questions separately.
next: Scrooge Town.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008
It started pretty orderly with agenda items 6 and 7 moved to 2 and 3 with Fire Chief Don Torbet's presentation on HAZMAT and INFECTIOUS WASTE interlocal agreement and discussion. Without these agreements the Town Hall could, possibly, be shut down for an indefinite period of time.
Agenda item 2 An ordinance relating to dogs in public areas and designated off-leash areas (second reading) was move to agenda item one for Steve Taylor but was then cancelled.
Agenda item 4 - Ordinance No. 1269 - An ordinance adding a chapter 1.18 "General Penalty (second reading) was passed 5-0. Got the skinny this time. This ordinance was required because of "illegal dumping" on 49th street where the culprits thumbed their nose at the Town as the applicable ordinance had no teeth, no enforcement provision.
Agenda item 5 - Ordinance No. 1271 An ordinance authorizing an emergency expenditure for settlement of legal claims (second reading) passed 5-0. This ordinance settled the claim by former Police Chief of Ruston for $125,000 cost to the Town with legal fees to be paid by AWC, Association of Washington Cities. Mayor Bradley Huson allowed for public comments and there was only one inquiring of any other cost to the Town and the response from the Town Attorney was brief and to the point: that this being a SETTLEMENT the amount stipulated was the total and final amount.
Agenda item 6 - Ordinance No. 1272 An Ordinance for supplemental budget for Engineering Services (first reading) was passed 5-0 with a plea from Council persons Wayne Stebner regarding failing sewers and Dan Albertson citing need for paving an alley.
Agenda item 7 - Resolution No. 435 Engineering Services - this is where things started going askew when they got to authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract for Town Engineering Services. Item 7.B. of the PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT called for "mileage at the rate which the Internal Revenue Service allows per mile without supporting documents."
This got the Tacoma cabal twins into an immediate tailspin. We should take this out and hope they won't notice it Dan implored. Remember previous meeting where annexation to Tacoma was the only answer as the Town was sinking into a financial abyss. Dan continued "strike this" (mileage), hold it over their head in future discussions. Jim Hedrick said something about sending out a letter? This mileage imbroglio followed Council person Jim Hedrick's comment "we are dead in the water, cannot proceed without Town Engineer, or apply for grants." It should be noted the engineering firm, J. M. Morissette & Associates of Lacey, WA was selected by Mr. Hedrick and former Mayor Bob Everding after extensive interviews. The mileage would only apply to engineering services provided on an "on call" basis, in other words emergencies as I recollect. It is the big items with Dan and Wayne. This continued into public comments and council time.
A public comment pointed out it was about 30 miles to Lacey and we are talking about five dollars in mileage charges allowing for two gallons of gasoline. Cry POOR but make the lawyers RICH. Lawsuits out the ying yang: Commencement (ballet classes), Police Chief (refused illegal order) and the Point Defiance Casino (take down that sign) for MILLIONS nothing left for critically needed Engineering Services mileage. Cry poor on town service spend big on lawsuits, a sure road to bankruptcy and annexation to Tacoma but more likely Pierce County. When we get to Council time you will see that is the plan and they are sticking to it.
General Public Comments -
Marlys - shrubs blocking sidewalks, dangerous uneven sidewalks.
Sherrie- Thanks public employees for HALLOWEEN part, leftovers for Seniors.
JJ - Point Ruston website up, complete survey for types of businesses (Jane: Trader Joe's)
Jim - HAZMAT beware of mail in, skimping on gasoline, the waste goes on
Mayor's Time - Bradley Huson
Working with Pt. Ruston sewers on Baltimore Street, working budget with Town clerk, working with Town Planner regarding amount budgeted through 2011 including Shoreline Management plan, has six applications for Police Chief, five for officers, Town website up needs short bio on Town, photos of Council members. Ugh and ugh.
Bradley, the Town of Ruston cannot thank you enough for your diligence and hard work as pro tem Mayor supporting the Town despite nitpicking and backbiting from two council members. When I worked at a large business they had a saying "when you have an important job to do and need it done quickly and accurately, give it to the busiest employee!!!" You have gone above and beyond filling this void and we can only hope you will put your name in for full time Mayor otherwise we will all have an empty feeling on November 18th.
Council Time -
Stebner - Thanks for Halloween, sewer, budget, new Mayor will only have one and one half months (Bradley will assist). After a coordinated effort to remove all employees from Clerks who were BC (before cabal) and succeeding in removing one assistant Town clerk refusing to change from part time to full time and not on the other under union protection. Now Wayne wants to add more tasks to an already understaffed clerks office. He wants budget over under, surplus property report, now quarterly, provided to him and Dan monthly. Smell something fishy here. Also wants B&O taxes increased and copies of all applications provided to him personally. What door did this guy come in? Budget report quarterly due out soon.
Hedrick - fix typo (Dan) in letter of commendation for outgoing Police Chief Reese
Albertson - Thanked Steve Taylor for letter on off leash pet area, Seconded Stebner on need for Monthly budget reporting, doom and gloom over losing interest on Town time deposits. Town is going broke syndrome. Then it was going off on Point Ruston: EPA not doing job, need executive oversight, is anybody looking at it from Town's side? Got in a jibe on Wingard lawsuit (PRRs) has problems according to Dan. How do you know this?
Wingard supported Point Defiance Casino on injunction Ruston Attorney refusing to stipulate on 3-1 vote in Council increasing tax. Yes, Dan I tried to save thirty or so jobs, eight to thirty thousand dollars per year taxes to the Town. Dan enough money to pave that alley you go on and on about. Dan a member of your cabal or maybe you didn't like their sign. You made an inquiry as to whether Point Defiance Casino paid death tax before closing gambling business. Reply was yes, in trust. That tax could be still be being paid if your neighbor Town Attorney had stipulated yes. You were there Dan consulting for over an hour at the hearing. Dan, you have never been elected to anything in this Town of Ruston. The annexation thing is wearing thin. Ruston has a better chance of making it without you. Give the Town the break it deserves and resign.
Hunt -
Need is great for Engineering firm. Point Ruston will be on PC Assessor's roll next year, fifteen million. There were many kudos for the Halloween party throughout the comment period.
Adjourn - 8:12 pm congratulations.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
EXECUTIVE SESSION at start 20 minutes followed by an announced of settlement of Chief Reinhold's lawsuit for $125,000. If we lose lawsuit it would be catastrophic for Town of Ruston. Time is of essence, public emergency funding, first reading. Come back to this resolution needed to pursue settlement, need motion for approval, given. There will be a hearing on the 27th and public comment at second reading of Ordinance 1271 on December 3rd. Hope I got all this right was writing furiously, wish I knew shorthand.
Public Comment -
The undersigned responded to Resolution 432 (Addresses) with a stirring response of his families history in the Town of Ruston extending back over 100 years going back to before Ruston was Ruston. Grandfather worked in smelter helped build the stack. Grandmother ran a boarding house for smelter workers as well as being an astute real estate investor. Father was born in town in 1906 and lived in Ruston over 90 years. Me, born in Ruston 1934 on Shirley street during the smelter's heyday and have suffered no ill effects from smelter operations. I must be getting under some body's skin to have them go to such lengths.
Mayor's Time - relocation of Bennett street, risk management and reference to EPA closure of storm sewer outlet.
Council Time -
Stebner - regarding sewer need for Engineering firm to address any problems. Mayor comment we need a Study Session involving new Mayor and Town Planner to get all on board. Public comment revealed much storm water was diverted into sanitary sewer, including town hall, before it was illegal and any rupture could send half the town into Puget Sound (north side of 51st street).
Hedrick - met with Point Ruston and the Mayor on impact on public safety regarding terrorist acts against Point Ruston. Enlisted services of four contractors to do risk assessmnet, insurance rating, and negotiated with Point Ruston on payment in lieu of property taxes, very preliminary Chief Reese involved.
Albertson - Alley needs paving, need new street lights cost in six figures, over budget. Look at future expenditures we will not last until Point Ruston kicks in, Commencement minimal, we are not looking at the future, alternatives. OPTION: talking to City of Tacoma, why Mayor's seat is so important. Current recession will be wide and long, fiscal sanity needed.
A general public comment was given regarding a coyote sighting in a residents yard during broad daylight. He looked hungry.
Adjourn 9:35 pm extended one half hour.
Annexation anyone?
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Agenda item 1 - Discussion of Mayor Appointment
Michael, oh Michael where are you? When we need you most? Your worst adversaries have been stalemated, relegated to backbiting and the disloyal opposition.
A spirited discussion with the animated Dan Albertson leading off with a motion to appoint Wayne Stebner "only applicant, no negatives, works harder, above and beyond, truly improved reputation of Town, kept cool during trying times!"
Jim Hedrick - we need a public process. Have been shutout of of process for last three Mayoral appointments and we also need public input. Set a hard date to apply and extend Mayor pro tem Bradley Huson.
David Britton, Special Legal Counsel, when asked length of time a mayor pro tem can serve replied four months, must be working towards a permanent Mayor. Yah, four in nine months, not so permanent.
Jane Hunt we need to publish request for Mayoral applicants one more time, publish notice in next Town bulletin. Extend deadline to Nov. 12th. Wanted Mayor pro tem Huson's service extended to hiring of new Mayor. And a plea "We must work together".
Jim Hedrick corrected Special Legal Counsel regarding Mayor pro tem servitude: it is six months.
Dan Albertson (sorry, can't read my own writing on this comment).
Wayne Stebner those who haven't applied by now are not eligible! I should be appointed.
Jane Hunt absolutely not, you were offered the job and turned it down stating you did not have the time.
Dan Albertson surprise candidate sitting in this room! (never identified) Jane Hunt stated she had heard of one applicant in waiting. When Wayne Stebner demanded name be revealed he got Jane's response "none of your business!"
Dan Albertson's motion to appoint Wayne Stebner was voted down after a second only to bring it to a vote. A Council vote was taken to set deadline for applications to Nov. 12th with interviews on Nov. 14th and a final vote on new mayor set for regular council meeting Nov. 17th passing 3-2 (Dan and Wayne voting no).
Wayne Stebner demanded to know cost of staff time and was informed there was none. It would be handled by the Council. Where is Dan when you needed him?
Jim Hedrick I am tired of being blindsided on these Mayoral appointments, let's do it right and get public involvement.
Bradley Huson got in the last word "I will apply and if elected give up my Council position." BRAVO, Bradley you have the Town heading in the right direction and are most deserving. Your courage and strength in the face of blatant attacks are to be commended. BRAVO!
Ordinance No. 1268 An Amendment to the Development Plan for Stack Hill
Nothing new here, same arguments pro and con covered in DEAD SHEEP ATTACK. Returns view corridor lot to developer which did not benefit the development and saves the Town a bundle of cash.

Friday, October 10, 2008
Agenda item 2 - Ordinance No. 1268 - An Amendment to the Development Plan for Stack Hill (View Corridor lot 12) - first reading
Being in the loyal minority of two has not reduced nor diluted the level of vitriol displayed and discoursed by the Tacoma twosome, Dan and Wayne. Their tone and scatter gun approach to civility and proper manners is very discouraging to those who would like to move forward and put the Town of Ruston on the path to salvation. Resign, Resign and let us once more return to moderation, civility and decorum in the town halls and meetings and discussions among ourselves. We will need no more blogs or two minute time limits.
Their only approach to governance seems to be constantly in the attack mode and annexing the Town to Tacoma. The plea from the citizens of Ruston is to give it up so we can move forward and you can move on. Their petty salvos on the Mayor and fellow council members is a reminder of the response of a British politician under sustained attack by the opposition, who referred to the situation as "being savaged by a dead sheep".
Albertson again led the browbeating, opposition not just in substance, original voted down. We voted on it did not give away view corridor. Matter of council cooperating, not acting in the interest of the Town. We are getting zero, getting there through a lawsuit, all prearranged. Full public disclosure required, this is not on the merits. I surmise he was referring to restoring lot 12 as a building site? We did not give away anything, view corridor did not benefit the development and was an illegal taking of property rights.
Hedrick in response there was full public disclosure. We are mitigating an issue out of the courtroom, original not recorded giving us a second chance. Matter referred to Planning Commission for full public hearing where the vote was affirmative and sent back to the Council. Lot 12 STACK HILL is below the 136 foot elevation of the smelter stack and same as base elevation of the old smoke stack. This is a proper process and will settle the issue out of court resulting in a more cost effective solution for the Town.
Albertson not convinced continues on the offensive; This was voted down, we should not change results. This will not prevent litigation but will result in more litigation. We need an Executive Session to discuss this improper procedure. More litigation! Where is a lawyer when you need one? This is way beyond me. Settling out of court will result in more litigation? Can somebody explain this in plain English?
Hunt The original was never sent to the Planning Commission as we did not have a Planning Commission at the time. This is the original and proper procedure.
Stebner, Wayne oh Wayne, this puts us in jeopardy! It is our duty (Dan and Wayne) to protect anyone who complains, our duty. Anyone Ruston or anyone cabal? Wayne, the Mayor and Council are supposed to represent and protect the interests of all 750 residents of Ruston! And also the interests of non-resident property owners. Remember you took an oath of office?
Hedrick MDP (Master Development Plan) did not contemplate 60 foot view corridors up to lot 12. This is in the interests of the citizens of Ruston.
Albertson I remember when you were all running around with your hair of fire in a hurry to pass the original. Dan, the council has been revamped since then and has become gloriously Ruston friendly.
Full names of council members on RUSTON HOME. More later.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Agenda item 5 - Discussion about mayor pro tem
Items 4 through 7 were Dan A.s personal STUDY SESSION which we were all forced to endure.
Item 5 was a "Don Quixote" attack on Mayor pro tem Bradley Huson by our very own Daniel reminiscent of the attacks on Mayor Michael Transue which led to his resignation. Mr. Huson came off as the adult in this skirmish and demonstrated a courtliness all of us should admire.
Daniel, with a smile, imitating a whirling dervish tilting at windmills launched into a verbal assault on the number of hours Bradley was spending as mayor. Full time it turned out outside of his permanent job and eight hours on his day off, including Saturday and Sunday. We need two more just like you Brad and more and more appreciate the wisdom of former council person Mary Joyce in recognizing your accomplishments and dedication earlier than most of us. Remember Dan and Wayne were glad handing that award. What happened Dan?
The now familiar inquisition started. Are you spending eight hours? How much time to town business? What is not being done? Getting down to business we need a full time mayor and I am nominating my sidekick buddy Wayne Stebner, alias Sancho. Both smiling Wayne added I am available, willing and able, and I could take over right now if you resigned.
These two pro Tacoma council persons obviously have a grand plan in mind and can't wait to start implementing it. The view corridor on lot 12 STACK HILL seems to be their immediate target. We voted it down running around with our hair on fire he continued. Dan, lot 12 never belonged to the town so we couldn't give it away. It was taken illegally and now is being given back legally through the planning commission which had an open and thorough hearing into the matter.
How low can we go in Ruston, Wayne Stebner our full time mayor? The same Wayne who turned down the mayor pro tem position when it was offered to him previously as senior council person. Squire Sancho at your service. Bradley Huson, the withering attack notwithstanding, was firm in his determination to serve RUSTON until October 31st.
I implore all of you and anybody who will listen to apply for the Mayoral position and save the town this ignominy.
Essayons et faisons. More later.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Obstruct and attack seems to the only purpose of the woesome twosome for remaining on the council. Moving forward Daniel, our favorite barrister, intoned you need four votes for a Town Administrator reminding our courageous Mayor pro tem Bradley Huson that the necessary votes to pass would not be forthcoming. Wayne in his most manly portrayal let loose a bristling broadside on the Town Clerk because the Minutes of Previous Meetings were delayed.
The Town Clerk, God Bless, gave a summary of the need for a town administrator that was brilliant showing what a treasure she is. Unfortunately for some on the council she is BC tainted, before cabal. This didn't set well with Wayne who is partially responsible that the Town Clerks office being underpaid, understaffed and overworked, an impossible situation.
This all goes back to the Dan and Wayne feud with the former Mayor Michael Transue where they pursued a scorched earth policy towards the Town in order to hamstring the Mayor. Sound familiar with what went on at this Monday meeting with this Mayor. More later.
Things started smoothly with:
Item 1 - Tim Burtron explaining the need to upgrade the Town's lighting standards with replacement poles conforming to Point Ruston/Stack Hill standards. Dan voiced concern about underground wiring and paving on the alley behind Commencement street.
Item 2 - Ruston Park doggie bags was the main point with volunteer cleanup. Wayne wanted fence installed to keep dogs separate from children. Good luck.
Item 3- Ordinance 1265 on Codification of Ruston Municipal Code second reading, passed 5-0 with many compliments to Sally Everding for a very successful effort and donating her time saving the town $7,000 dollars. Outstanding.
Item 4 - Tree Committee report to be presented later.
Item 5 - Sewer System - study and scope of work sponsored by Wayne. Question of the Day: If we are to be annexed to Tacoma why bother? RFP to Town Planner for study. There was talk of including storm sewers, treatment of outfall into the Bay. Call for Department of Ecology to investigate. Beware a water filtration plant may be required, better call for EARMARK to the rescue. Shoreline fund, Harbor Improvement fund and Sewer reserve fund total almost $800,000. That is enough for studies, whatever and maybe a down payment.
Item 6 - Ordinance 1266, Rental of Town property, community center, park. All permits to be approved by Mayor, Business District and Seniors considered official function which have priority. There was a question on the length of the Commencement lease? When written it was for 500 years, 498 to go.
Item 7 - TOWN ADMINISTRATOR potential budget - this is where things went haywire and it was Dan and Wayne vs. Town of Ruston. Why are these two even on the council? No hesitation Dan states four votes required, you do not have votes. We are in a financial straight jacket. Yah, Point Defiance Casino suing for 9.7 million big ones. Taxing them out of business, distressed over their sign. Where will funds come from, $75 to 90,000 salary? Dan, Dan how about a memory improvement course, remember a full time Town Administrator was a cost saving over the former Mayor's $200 per hour part time TA. Special Legal Counsel said four votes only required if money was to be moved between funds or was emergency appropriation. Dan would not let up it has been a disastrous year. Wayne wanted to know why full time TA was required.
The Dan and Wayne show continued we need alternatives, discussions with Tacoma. When a Rustonian from the public seats asked if he was alluding to ANNEXATION Dan got upset at being talked to during agenda time, mentioning public comments. Jane interjected, I can ask the question: "Are you referring to annexation to Tacoma"? Answer still forthcoming but obviously the two Tacoma cabal guys would like serious discussions with Tacoma and goodbye to Ruston as a town.
During council time Dan continued venting: personal animosity, secret meetings, ex parte contact, conflict, all undermining the town. Dan listen to the Town clerk: we need help, a central focus. God forbid such reasonableness should intrude on the Dan and Wayne show.
All the positives for a TA, grant writing, focused attention, need for professional help, seemed to add up to big time cost savings for the Town and Karen's stirring plea for facing our problems and forging ahead seemed to pass over the BANANAs:
Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything.
Monday, September 8, 2008
I had to delete a comment because it was a personal attack and not associated with RUSTON INSIDER and its mission.
I will allow them if signed otherwise they belong on the RUSTON CONNECTION.
Anonymous comments are OK if in a positive approach. To do otherwise would subject citizens of Ruston to unflattering, unrelenting, virulent attacks as Council members voting their consciences were subjected to recently. Differing with the Tacoma cabal crowd can lead to withering attacks.
This blog is aimed at the Washington State auditors and other defenders of the Town of Ruston to provide unexpurgated reporting vis a vis the edited comments provided by the current authorities in the Town of Ruston.
It may also provide as much sideline information as much as possible for authors and historians.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Hideous in more ways than one, big time rollers in the TACOMA CABAL. With the Town's money of course.
I will be posting only on RUSTON INSIDER and RUSTON LAWSUIT from hereon.